2008-10-12, 05:35 PM
Summary: The ability to control the draworder of objects through CTB files and XREFS
Description: Control Draw Order with CTB files & XREFs.
How Used: I would like to be able to make certain colors always print 'on top' of other colors. Similarly, I'd like the ability to always make XREF's print 'below' any content in the current drawing.
Feature Affinity: Plot
Submitted By: Dustin Tiemeyer on July 30, 2008
Description: Control Draw Order with CTB files & XREFs.
How Used: I would like to be able to make certain colors always print 'on top' of other colors. Similarly, I'd like the ability to always make XREF's print 'below' any content in the current drawing.
Feature Affinity: Plot
Submitted By: Dustin Tiemeyer on July 30, 2008