View Full Version : Hidden View and Shaded views partially transparent

2008-10-13, 05:29 PM
We are seeing this in a few projects where the hidden 3D view will show through hidden objects grey and it is not necessarily the whole thing, just partial pieces. This is creating problems doing presentations etc.

I have tested this on WU2 as well as machines runniong both Nvidia and ATI cards, OPENGL on off etc. The artifact keep showing up. This did not ue to happen the file, I am not sure if there is a size threshhold tat is causing it. 3GB switch is not ON
Also I tested it on 64bit Revit too similar results. Graphics Drivers updated etc.

I am attaching the image files

any ideas would be appreciated

2008-10-13, 05:55 PM
I have never seen this before but, it looks like you have some objects walls etc that may have graphic overrides on.
Also, check thinlines mode.

2008-10-13, 06:03 PM
This has been noted in other posts.

Near as i can tell it is a good old fashioned bug!

I have started makiing multipule copies of my 3d views. Sometimes closing and reopening the project will restore the view, sometimes it will not.

I have notice that sometimes when i double click the "Top" or "other" cube elevation seems to trigger the transpancy. Please note this a "sometimes" issue.

I have not tried appling a 3d view template to correct the problem???

Will let you know if that works.


2008-10-13, 06:28 PM
This issue was identified by development and was fixed with Web Update 2. If you install WU 2 this problem should go away. if you are not able to install WU2 then you need to delete the default 3d view where this is happening and re-create it.

2008-10-14, 03:02 PM
I am seeing this in WU2 and the alstest 64bit (which I think should have WU2 integrated)
Also We copied the objects from our file in to another file and things work fine. I am not sure is it our TEMPLATE that has this bug and creating a new template would help?

Double Daddy Alex
2009-01-15, 11:03 PM
I experience this problem too. Even if I'm in the hidden line or shading with edges views, the some wall edges still shows through like wireframe view. I think this is a bug caused by the ViewCube. Here's what I did to solve the problem:

1. make sure OpenGL hardware acceleration is turned off (a checkbox under options>graphics>video card capabiliites)
2. go to the Viewcube on a 3D view, click on a preset view from the Viewcube (eg. isometric). You might have to do this a couple times for Revit to refresh this view.
3. The best way to refresh the view is to right-click on the View Cube, select "Orient to a Direction" on the menu, and select an isometric view. Typically the problem will go away for all the 3D views from now on.
4. If all else fails, then turn off the Viewcube, delete your 3D view and recreate another 3D view.