View Full Version : Existing linked door into new host file room

2008-10-14, 06:41 AM
I have an existing building that is linked into a host / master building. My existing building has a door that opens outwards. This is then linked into the master where a room is formed. Therefor the door now opens into the room. So why doesn't Revit recognise that the linked file door is opening into the master file room.
The link is attached and has the room bounding elements ticked.
If anyone knows the answer it would be greatly appreciated.

Scott Womack
2008-10-14, 10:43 AM
I have an existing building that is linked into a host / master building. My existing building has a door that opens outwards. This is then linked into the master where a room is formed. Therefor the door now opens into the room. So why doesn't Revit recognise that the linked file door is opening into the master file room.
The link is attached and has the room bounding elements ticked.
If anyone knows the answer it would be greatly appreciated.

Since the door is in the linked file, it will NOT read from the master file it is linked into to "determint that it is opening into a room that only exists in the master file. You can schedule from a linked file, but elements in that linked file are not "aware" of the objects in the file it is linked into. This is not a two-way street.

2009-04-03, 08:36 PM

So, is there a workaround or method for getting linked doors to show room properties? The only thing we've been able to think of is copying the rooms into the linked file, which is obviously not a great solution...