View Full Version : Filter Graphic Overrides

Chad Smith
2008-10-14, 07:21 AM
I have a file which has some wall Filter graphical overrides, but they aren't displaying properly. Instead of displaying the correct fill pattern I have selected, it is showing all gray solid fill. When printed, it then shows white.

When I change the wall to a different type, the overrides display correctly. Anyone hit this issue before?

Scott Womack
2008-10-14, 10:38 AM
I have a file which has some wall Filter graphical overrides, but they aren't displaying properly. Instead of displaying the correct fill pattern I have selected, it is showing all gray solid fill. When printed, it then shows white.

When I change the wall to a different type, the overrides display correctly. Anyone hit this issue before?

What is the View Resolution set to? Is it set to Course?

2008-10-14, 11:23 AM
Yes, as Scott suggests try it at medium or fine detail. If not try the following:
The first thing that would be coming to mind, would be the scale of the view in comparison to the pattern type. If you try a different pattern does the same thing happen? If you change the scale does it work?
If it's not that, the second thing I would check is the print quality. Does it print correctly on high or presentation raster appearance quality?
It that doesn’t work, open up a blank drafting view of the same scale you first view is at. Create a basic shape using a filled region of the same pattern type. Can you print and view that correctly?
Try opening up a blank project in the background. Use transfer project standards to transfer the pattern and filter items only. Set up the same scenario in the black project. Does it behave the same way?

Chad Smith
2008-10-14, 10:52 PM
What is the View Resolution set to? Is it set to Course?
The funny thing is when it is set to coarse, the pattern is shown :roll:.

The first thing that would be coming to mind, would be the scale of the view in comparison to the pattern type. If you try a different pattern does the same thing happen? If you change the scale does it work?
This is another weird behaviour that goes against the grain. Typically, at higher scales where the objects are viewed smaller, the hatches blend together and go grey. In this project file, when I change the scale to a larger value, making the display of the objects smaller, the pattern displays correctly.

If it's not that, the second thing I would check is the print quality. Does it print correctly on high or presentation raster appearance quality?
Raster Quality has no effect, although setting to Raster does print the solid grey, but still no pattern.

It that doesn’t work, open up a blank drafting view of the same scale you first view is at. Create a basic shape using a filled region of the same pattern type. Can you print and view that correctly?
Other walls of the different types in the same view but with the same override look and print fine, so it is not view specific.

Try opening up a blank project in the background. Use transfer project standards to transfer the pattern and filter items only. Set up the same scenario in the black project. Does it behave the same way?
Yep, exactly the same behaviour. I can't figure it out.

I have attached a screenshot and the file in question.

Chad Smith
2008-10-15, 12:46 AM
I put this issue to our reseller/support too, and they have found that there is a bug in the Materials.
The wall material for the walls in question currently don't have any Surface and Cut patterns. But when a pattern is applied, the override patterns once again display correctly.

I would also like to point out another bug that is Fill Pattern / Override related.
Say you have a view Filter that is changing the Cut Pattern of an object. Then you change the Fill Pattern definition and hit OK. The Fill Patterns of the Filter Overrides won't update.
To force the pattern to update you need to go into the Filters dialogue and hit OK.

2008-10-15, 02:30 AM
Hi Chad - what version of Revit are you running?

Where did you get the Pattern file from? I assume it's a drafting hatch (not a model hatch) as it's been used for elements being cut.

I have come across some doggie dense concrete hatch patterns that did not display correctly; they also caused the files to crash.

Also go back to the wall and see how it is set in its type parameter to display cut in course views. That may be causing some of those issues with course / medium display settings.

On the elements in question, select them, and in the override in graphics right click, select "reset". Overrides upon overrides are never going to help the situation.

I'll have to look at the issue you bring up with the filters.


2008-10-21, 02:43 PM
I'm running into the same exact problem with wall ratings. It displays correctly on course (useless) and displays as a dark color on medium to high quality. When I turn off line thickness, it shows the lines in question, but they're not orienting to the element correctly (also useless).

All cut patterns/patterns on the materials are set to none and black. The fill it creates is a little lighter (I can tell since the black outlines around it are darker).

I cannot show all my plans on course, so how do I resolve this problem, much less get these patterns to actually orient to the walls outside of the course setting?!

I'm running the most up to date version of Revit 2009 (including the performance update from a few weeks ago).

2008-10-21, 03:16 PM
This made me think of a new idea about wall ratings and I'm going to test it out and get back to this thread later.

2008-10-21, 06:41 PM
Chad, I looked at your file.

You have everything set up right. The problem lies in the material like you said, more specifically, the Cut pattern. And not all cut patterns will work. If you switch it to Acoustic (Above Ceiling) for the cut pattern, it works. Switch it to Aluminum it doesn't. Now, go into the Aluminum pattern and switch it to Keep Readable or Align with Element instead of Orient to View for that pattern and it will work.

To sum it up, the wall must have a material with a cut pattern that is NOT orient to view and then it works.

Chad Smith
2008-10-21, 10:08 PM
Good to see that others have confirmed that this is a bug.

It gets a little scary working on projects where there are bugs that affect graphics (this instance) and data. It's impossible to make sure that 100% of the users are up to date on 100% of these bugs so that they don't produce sheets which are incorrect.