View Full Version : Problems with a linked Revit model

2008-10-14, 01:48 PM
I am working on a project that is broken out into different phases of construction. We have already created the 1st phase of the project. When we started the 2nd phase, I linked the 1st phase Revit model into the 2nd phase model. Both projects have worksets enabled. Everything was going fine for a while. Within the past few weeks, we have had about 4-5 instances where the linked file in the 2nd project, loses its link. We cannot pinpoint what is causing this to happen. It is quite frustrating to have to reload this link constantly. I would appreciate any help or advice. Thanks!

2008-10-14, 02:03 PM
We are doing the same thing.
We have found that changing the path to 'Absolute' helped.

Andre Carvalho
2008-10-14, 03:55 PM
I am working on a project that is broken out into different phases of construction. We have already created the 1st phase of the project. When we started the 2nd phase, I linked the 1st phase Revit model into the 2nd phase model. Both projects have worksets enabled. Everything was going fine for a while. Within the past few weeks, we have had about 4-5 instances where the linked file in the 2nd project, loses its link. We cannot pinpoint what is causing this to happen. It is quite frustrating to have to reload this link constantly. I would appreciate any help or advice. Thanks!

Are you linking the central file or local file? If linking the central file, the path is less likely to change and therefore Absolute can be used.

Andre Carvalho

2008-10-14, 09:10 PM
I am linking the central file. As far as I know, the file hasn't moved anywhere. I have now changed the link to be absolute now instead of relative. Hopefully, this has fixed it. Since it has happened only 4-5 times in the past few weeks, it's hard to pinpoint what has really happened. I still would like to find out what is making the linked file unload, so that I can avoid this problem later on down the road.

2008-10-14, 09:32 PM
Make sure users are managing the link's visibility using worksets or visibility/graphics

Scott Womack
2008-10-15, 11:15 AM
Since it has happened only 4-5 times in the past few weeks, it's hard to pinpoint what has really happened. I still would like to find out what is making the linked file unload, so that I can avoid this problem later on down the road.

Occasionally we have had a user log into the system too fast, and not all network drives get "loaded" or mounted. Since Revit is storing the UNC info, and you are loading a local file, the links will "unload" when that user loads their local file. It can sometimes flash by, so if the user loads the file, and gets a cup of coffee while it loading, they may not immediately notice, or know. When they save to central, the unloaded status of the links gets saved to the central, and affects the other users when they log in later.

Andre Carvalho
2008-10-15, 12:06 PM
Occasionally we have had a user log into the system too fast, and not all network drives get "loaded" or mounted. Since Revit is storing the UNC info, and you are loading a local file, the links will "unload" when that user loads their local file. It can sometimes flash by, so if the user loads the file, and gets a cup of coffee while it loading, they may not immediately notice, or know. When they save to central, the unloaded status of the links gets saved to the central, and affects the other users when they log in later.

Shouldn't Revit pop up a message saying that can't find the link when this happens?

Andre Carvalho

Scott Womack
2008-10-16, 10:51 AM
Shouldn't Revit pop up a message saying that can't find the link when this happens?

Andre Carvalho

IT does pop up a message, but it doesn't always seem to stay up, halting the loading process on some machines. Also, first things in the morning most people aren't willing to "cancel" the load based upon a warning.

IT also depends upon what, and how the network itself is set up.