View Full Version : Serious Error has Occured

2008-10-14, 02:37 PM
I have been getting this message habitually for the past few weeks. It started occurring after we bound a linked file in and also about the same time we started using Revit 64.

I have tried auditing the file and even detaching and replacing the central file with the same error popping up again in a few days. This morning I got the error so I closed and audited the file. Now the error pops up again before the audit is even complete and every time that I open the central file, local file or a detached copy.

Has anyone else seen this with bound files, Revit 64 or have any other ideas?


Andre Carvalho
2008-10-14, 03:45 PM
Do you have linked DWGs? Try unloading them to see if the error still occours. If the problem not happens, try loading the DWG back one by one to see if the problem is not related to an specific one.

Andre Carvalho