View Full Version : RA 2009 Question

2008-10-14, 08:28 PM
Hi all,
I used to check these forums every day but haven't for some time now so I've kind of fallen out of the loop. I'm still using version 9.1 (2008 wasn't an option for us for reasons I brought up long ago), and I want to use 2009. When it was originally released I installed it and had a lot of problems. Mainly the 45 minutes to an hour it took to upgrade just one project. At that time I decided to wait until the next update to give it a whirl.
I'm writing to find out if there is anything I need to know before I try this again. Am I still going to have problems, and if so, are there any tips to make the process a bit easier? I think I'm going to take every single thing we have in 9.1 and copy it to a hard drive in case I have to go back.
I'm excited to use 2009 so any help is appreciated.


2008-10-15, 06:09 AM
Hi Cole,

There are quite a number of threads on WU1 & WU2 and the issues people have had with them.

Generally, WU2 seems pretty stable, for myself, I have had little problem with either loading files or working efficiently within them.

Hope this helps,



Dimitri Harvalias
2008-10-15, 06:46 AM
In my experience project upgrades have been relatively painless from release to release.
A couple of words or warning;

On projects with linked files be sure to upgrade each linked file prior to upgrading the main (host) model
Even though Revit will audit a file as it upgrades and provide warnings on completion of the upgrade, it's not a bad idea to audit all files prior to upgrading.
Always save a copy of the orignal file in case things don't go as smoothly as you'd like
Be patient when upgrading a file. Revit will seem likes it is frozen but it usually comes to it's senses given enough timeGood luck.

2008-10-15, 12:45 PM
If you wait long enough to upgrade (3 or more versions), the upgraded project will have families that cannot be opened and edited....
Older revit families loose their "Edit Famiily..." button in new versions....It is a good idea to keep upgrading as and when upgrades are available for newer versions.

2008-10-15, 08:42 PM
Thanks guys! I normally upgrade as soon as possible but 2008 would no longer allow me to mirror a project so I stuck with 9.1. I'll back everything up and start cranking away in the next few weeks. Hopefully my computer doesn't have any issues because it'll be a while before we can upgrade (I'm in the homebuilding industry and money is super tight these days!). Thanks again.
