View Full Version : Theater Seating

2008-10-14, 09:09 PM
How would you place stepped platforms in Revit? (see attached 3d View)

We did separate floors for each platform, where the seating will be placed, and I think, because of that the color fill isn't showing up correctly. (see attached b&w view showing hatch pattern on "floor")

I'm confused on how to work this out. And I'm wondering if we did the platforms correctly. Thank you!


Andre Carvalho
2008-10-14, 09:27 PM
You also could do that by editing the boundaries of a stair, but I think the way you did is fine too. Have you checked if the problem of not showing the pattern isn't related to the view range? You may need to create a different view range for that area.

Andre Carvalho

2008-10-15, 03:35 PM
What I did notice is the Plan Region affected the showing of the pattern. The room with the spiral staircase is 5'-0" higher, it's the control room for the theater. I'll check the view range also.
