View Full Version : Annotation Text Shifts w/ Keep Readable setting

2008-10-16, 12:14 AM
In symbols and components, the Keep Readable setting flips the text just fine to keep it in a horizontal or vertical orientation regardless of the symbol or component orientation.

HOWEVER, when the text flips, it also shifts slightly.

For example, make a wall based or face base annotation that includes a symbol such as a small circle with a capital S (or any other character) in Arial font centered in and nearly filling the circle, and then place it in your project. Place instances on both sides of a wall. In the ones on whichever side of the wall that makes the text flip, the text shifts and is no longer centered. It looks sloppy and inconsistent.

The solution I've used in the past was to mimic text with symbolic lines, but the fake text still won't look like other true annotations, so it looks sloppy and inconsistent in a different way.

Just thought I'd revisit this issue and see if anyone had come up with a brilliant solution that doesn't require extra steps on the users part when placing these annotations.

2008-10-18, 05:07 AM
Hi rgesner

Make sure you have the "keep text readable" under the Settings / Family Categories and parameter dialog box, not just the text properties.
The text will still slightly shift, but may not be as much. It is worth trying to have a good border around any text. Text is always going to be bit odd, as if you look at lower case text is has a space above it and below it to allow for the type of text.
eg - the letter "a" does not extent up or down.
the letter "b" extends up.
the letter "g" extends down.

Because in the construction industry upper case in generally user, we forget about the below the line part of the font. This text requirement doesn't help the problem. I do think Revit should deal with it better.
