View Full Version : Angled Walls??
2008-10-17, 03:54 PM
Ok, here's one for you all, and I NEED help on this!
How, how do I properly model in an angled wall? More over, once I have an accurate wall, how do I put windows into said wall??
In section, the wall is hinged at the bottom and leans out, away from the building, to meet a shed roof that's sloping back.
2008-10-17, 04:00 PM
Use the Create button, and build a blend or a sweep in the catagory of Mass. Then on the Massing toolbar, use Wall By Face to apply a wall to the face of the Mass. DONT delete the mass, as if you want to alter the angle later you need to edit the mass, and then use the Remake button in the option bar...
2008-10-17, 04:55 PM
Those are the correct methods in making a wall that is angled in section. I believe you'll face some difficulty in placing windows that align to the slope of your wall however. This would also apply to doors and other wall hosted objects. Even going into these families and unchecking the "Always Vertical" parameter does not help. You'd have to create, or perhaps copy the geometry from the window family you wish to use into the face-based family template.
I believe it will then follow the slope of your wall.
2008-10-17, 06:33 PM
Great, thanks very much, I have an angled wall and there is a window in it.
Now, the is vertical...I can't find the "always vertical" button to turn it off.
Also, where, or what, is the "Face-Based Family Template"?
2008-10-17, 06:46 PM
You are going to have to build a custom window that responds correctly, as windows are always "straight" i believe.
File > New > Family > Generic model face Based. then, when youre in the template, go to Settings > Family Catagories (atthe bottom) and switch it to window. But you have to remake the window family...
2008-10-17, 10:40 PM
I am having a lot of trouble with this my friend, I've created the Family as you suggested, I've put it in the "window" family, I just can't get it to come in at an angle into the 10 deg. wall.
What is it that's preventing me from rotating the window? Is it a Reference Plane or some other little tick box??
Dimitri Harvalias
2008-10-18, 06:48 AM
As Aaron suggested you need to be sure that when you create the window you use the Generic Model Face Based template. You will need to create the window from scratch, adding a void to cut the wall and the extrusions that make up your frame.
Before you load it into your project you need to change it to the window category using the Settings > Family Categories and Parameters command
Because it is a face based family it will align to whatever the angle of the wall face is.
2009-01-28, 05:17 AM
hi I am new here but I am running into the same problem, I understand more or less what it takes to insert a window in an angled or slanted wall.
Is there any tutorial that you know of or PDF that describes this step by step ( to angle the window with the wall that is ) . It is somewhat weird that you can make slanted walls so easy but adding windows to it is such a pain....
cliff collins
2009-01-28, 05:03 PM
Now you see why I created such a stir about non-verticle walls?
Just another example of a user needing better, simple tools.
The way it works now is very cryptic, and not at all user friendly.
You should not have to be an expert Revit user to accomplish a simple,
straight- forward task like the OP has asked for.
2009-02-12, 07:11 PM
and to follow this all up, I did manage to model the wall, got through Design Development, and by the time I got to construction drawing I was so tired of fighting with Revit on every turn, I/we have decided to export everything to AutoCad and take back control from a program that won't listen.
Thanks for your help.
2009-02-12, 07:33 PM
Im sorry if this sounds harsh, but that is often the misguided realization users come to when theyre trying to function in the program without having the proper support network and/or training in place...
cliff collins
2009-02-12, 07:45 PM
Sorry--couldn't resist--- sensing the previous poster's frustration:
We just need that darn "Tilt Wall Tool" !!!
( and that "Tilt Window in Opening Tool"
and "Adjust angle of cut in wall Tool" and "Tilt Column Tool "
and "Saw thru the model Tool" ) etc. etc. etc.
If we had better, simple tools which worked, we could cut down alot on "proper training and support systems" etc.
I'm crossing my fingers as I've seen glimpses of RAC 2010's "improved modeling tools" LOL
2009-02-12, 07:52 PM
LOL, cliff... Out of curiousity, have you read through the post in the Out There forum where we all just named new tools we thought revit should (jokingly) have? I think youd get a great chuckle if you read through it...
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