View Full Version : Floorplan

2008-10-20, 02:11 PM
This is something I was working on last week. Thought I'd share it and get some feedback. There's a few things I would like to have done, but time constraints were killing me (as always).


2008-10-20, 02:18 PM
Very nice. My only critique would be to add a little tiny bit of reflection to the walls.
Great work though!

2008-10-20, 02:26 PM
Dwayne, dude, with your skills I thought you'd have something more than that! Thanks for going easy on me... ;)

You are right though; I added a little bit of bump to add some texture, but some reflection to make an eggshell-like finish would be better.

One thing I would have liked to have done is to get rid of that bit of washout on the carpet; I tried to adjust the lighting, but I couldn't fix it without lowering the general lighting too much.

Oh, some specs on the scene:

Used mr to render on a core 2 quad with 8g ram. running just over 600k faces, 13 lights (12 mr omni, 1 mr skylight), about 45 minutes to render the first image, about 25 for the second (at 3300x2550 resolution).

2008-10-20, 06:45 PM
Well your second post answered my question of what your light source was. I found myself a little distracted looking at all the shadows trying to figure out where the light was coming from. Otherwise that's a really cool project! :beer:

2008-10-20, 06:48 PM
...I found myself a little distracted looking at all the shadows trying to figure out where the light was coming from...

Thanks Steve. I originally had actual fixtures in it (floor and desk lamps, ceiling fixtures, wall sconces), but they decided against showing them.

Filipe Francisco
2008-10-21, 09:05 AM
Really Nice... Good work

Cheers :beer:

2008-10-21, 01:07 PM
Nicely done Phillip! Doll house views are always fun because it has a miniature feel to it. Realism counts to a degree, but when the ceiling is missing, it's not so importatnt anymore.

Only crit from me would be the tiling of the litchen flooring and counter materials. Maybe mix them with a procedural or similar bitmap.

Keep the WIPs coming!

2008-10-21, 01:13 PM
Nicely done Phillip! Doll house views are always fun because it has a miniature feel to it. Realism counts to a degree, but when the ceiling is missing, it's not so importatnt anymore.

Only crit from me would be the tiling of the litchen flooring and counter materials. Maybe mix them with a procedural or similar bitmap.

Thanks Filipe, thanks Loyd!

I just started a topic dealing with the tiling. The samples I got were very low res, and I was having a hard time getting them to not have a tiled appearance.

2008-10-21, 01:54 PM
Can you post a screen cap of your light setup and the render settings...specifically the GI settings?

2008-10-21, 02:22 PM
Can you post a screen cap of your light setup and the render settings...specifically the GI settings?

Sure, I'll post it once I get some *stuff* done...