View Full Version : Materials in linked files not working

Martin P
2003-08-13, 09:40 AM
5 files linked together, rendering them, materials are swapping between files - ie stone facing on walls in one file has become road surface from other linked file - water has become grass, etc etc. 5 days work, started rendering today, going to miss my deadline or hand over useless renderings. very, very unhappy about it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: , client is going to be even more p`d off than I am, to busy to type properly, trying mess about with 5 revit files trying to fix this by this afternoon - anyone else had this problem?

2003-08-13, 01:12 PM
I have not had that problem, my guess would be though that you have the same object styles in the diff files but with diff. material assignments and revit doesn't know which do chose?

Martin P
2003-08-13, 04:02 PM
ah, thats better.. I can stop typing like I am reading the news headlines :lol: was trying to keep my head above water at the time. Made my deadline this afternoon with 2 minutes to spare!! Didnt get as many views as I would have liked though, and I think I came close to having a couple of heart attacks, and my head probably looked a bit like a beetroot for a while.... but I did it.

The problem was almost as you suspected. I have in my base file 20 materials called "Enter new name here 1" - "enter new name here 2" etc etc etc... I pick those when creating things - so I can create objects first then materials second - as opposed to materials first, objects second which is they Revit makes you work, unless you have list of ever material in the world in you base file!!!:roll: then I go in after and Re-name them to whatever, and assign materials etc. It seems that even though I have renamed them, when linking files it can confuse Revit - sometimes??. And bizzarely most of them were not assigned by object styles, but directly as materials, and sometimes if I shut Revit down and re-opened the file it was ok, sometimes not... very weird, but I basically created a load of new materials in each file from dupilcatin the "default" one and gave them a new name, this fixed it. But it is a pretty annoying glitch, as they all did have different names, but USED to have the same one, and were re-named in the files

2003-08-13, 05:33 PM

Calm your nerves with a nice scotch on the rocks tonight.

Don't worry, if you don't I will for you...

John K.
2003-08-13, 06:05 PM
Somewhat off topic, buuuuuuuuut

Make you a deal, Martin. I've blown more than one deadline due to little print-time-surprise-parties. Next time you're near the wire on one of these, set your deadline for the following morning rather than End-Of-Day. Email us yanks the file, and go home at a reasonable hour. The "quo" to this "quid" would be me sending UK & Scotland (Austrailia? India?) Reviteers the same at the end of my day so it's waiting there with bells and ribbons in the morning when I'm staring into my first cup o' coffee. Whad'ya think?

PS. -- Believe it or not, I'm (only somewhat) serious based on the experience of programmer friends of mine.

PPS. [Most certainly off-topic] The girlfriend, her daughter, and I were in your neck o' the woods in July. Stayed with friends in Carlisle but managed to rent a car and drive around some lochs and the highlands. And had to drive into Glasgow to pick up said friends' daughter and three of her college boyfriends(???) and drive back to Carlise -- all on the "wrong" side of the road. Beautiful countryside -- we're jealous. What's it like during the winters?

Martin P
2003-08-14, 08:38 AM
Somewhat off topic, buuuuuuuuut

Make you a deal, Martin. I've blown more than one deadline due to little print-time-surprise-parties. Next time you're near the wire on one of these, set your deadline for the following morning rather than End-Of-Day. Email us yanks the file, and go home at a reasonable hour. The "quo" to this "quid" would be me sending UK & Scotland (Austrailia? India?) Reviteers the same at the end of my day so it's waiting there with bells and ribbons in the morning when I'm staring into my first cup o' coffee. Whad'ya think?

PS. -- Believe it or not, I'm (only somewhat) serious based on the experience of programmer friends of mine.

Beautiful countryside -- we're jealous. What's it like during the winters?

Sounds like a good idea, problem being the boss would like the quid and not the quo :lol: , maybe you have a very good wishlist item there though - tell revit to render views A to Z, and export out the jpegs at the end of each - then go home an leave revit trundling away firing out a load of renderings?

Winters are pretty much dark when you go to work, dark when you go home. When there is snow it is very nice, otherwise its wet windy and pretty cold - kind of like the rest of the year but darker :lol: .

But the grass is always greener, I have never been but from what I hear Atlanta is pretty good place to be - dont they call it Hotlanta? although I am not sure that refers to the weather :wink:

Cheers for the Scotch Andrewg, if you are ever over this way yourself I will repay you with a large one :lol:

2003-08-14, 08:45 AM
The flip side of the cold dark winters is that you have those long summer nights. I know when I just over with Sandra's family last weekend it was still light at ten at night and you are some way further up than Co. Sligo is.


Martin P
2003-08-14, 10:07 AM
That is very true. I love the winter, nothing better than going home to a big hot bowl of soup, and curling up infront of the fire for the night. I find the winter very relaxing, in summer you kind of feel you ought to be doing something other than watching TV or going to bed as its bright outside, even though its 11.30 at night! I have been known to walk my dogs in the forest at that time, which is quite a bizzare experience when you try a month later and realize you cant actually see anything!