View Full Version : Profile line weights

Erica Evans
2008-10-21, 03:20 PM
I am trying to use a subcategory in the Object Syles to change the lineweights of profiles and reveals. I tried to create a family parameter called Profiles in an attempt to tie that into my Object Syle sub-category, but it's not doing anything. Does anyone know what I'm missing? Or maybe it's not possible...
I have a lot of reveals in this project, but I don't want to change the wall projection line weight setting in order to reduce the line weight of the sweeps/reveals. Any ideas?

Revit 2008

2008-10-21, 05:51 PM
There are no settings to control Reveals. They use setting from the host wall. You'll have to use the linework tool - which is tedious.

2008-10-21, 06:24 PM
if its only on a certain type of wall, precast conrete for example, you could create a filter for that wall type and override the projection lines to something lighter or thinner. You'd have to do it for each view, but still less tedious than line by line. This is what I'm doing on a precast warehouse project with a lot of reveals right now and it seems to work fairly well. Wall sweeps have their own subcategory under walls too, so are a little easier to control.

2008-10-23, 08:20 AM
We tend to go the other way - Not a Reveal but a Wall Sweep!
When we need to show a Reveal on our Elevations - We actually use a Wall Sweep & make it Come out from the Wall. Its normally about 10mm x 5mm, small enough to be lost in any plan view with the Wall Line weights. What we then do is go to the elevations - Right click on 1 Wall Sweep - Select all of them, then override them all at once to a thin line weight! We found that if we used the Manual Line weight tool - the Resultant Joint lines came thru all of the Objects in front of the Sweep.