View Full Version : Google earth Globe Link Model placement

2008-10-21, 03:56 PM
I'm trying to locate my building using the globe link google earth plugin. The issue I'm having is that I've already started my model and now I want to place it into google earth. When I acquire from google earth my building is not in the right location. The google image is grouped and pinned. If I edit the group and move the image, it has no effect on the model placement in google earth. Attempting to relocate my project to the correct location is also not working.
How in the world do I get my model in the correct spot?

2009-01-08, 05:41 PM
Still no thoughts on this matter?

2009-01-08, 06:01 PM
been a while since I tried it, but I believe you can unpin the group and move it to the correct place on your model & I think it will update, but can't test right now...

2009-01-08, 06:02 PM
The model group that has the little Origin in it... You need to move IT to the location on the image where the little address marker is in google earth. What i normally do, is go in google earth first, and export an IMAGE. I drop the image on the Floor Plan, and move it/scale it so the image is the right size, so i can see where the address marker is (usually near the street).

Then i acquire, and move the group to that location. Then i usually have to nudge it this way and that after doing the export a few times, because it isnt exact...