View Full Version : copy and paste problem on sheets

2008-10-21, 10:54 PM
Hi All,

I think (?) something seriously weird is happenning when I copy and paste text from one sheet to another.

Having work through a number of sheets where the text is different on each sheet, I get to the first of several sheets where the text is pretty much the same for the subsequent sheets.
I select all of the text using the select all instances in the right click dialog. I then proceed to the following sheet to paste the text in and make a minor modification or two to the text.

This gets repeated for five or six times for the next five or six sheets.

When I go back to review earlier sheets, I find that the text on those sheets (and sometimes completely differnt text) has been copied and pasted as well, leaving a hrrible mess of text jumbled on one another. (see attached pdf)

Does the "select all instances" select all text on ALL sheets? Logically, this wouldn't seem right to me.

Likewise, when I use the select all instances for the multiple text on one sheet and then delete the text, all other text on all other sheets is also deleted!+

Further update. If I select every item idividually and then crtl C, everything is fine, it pastes into the next sheet OK and no duplicates are created on any other sheet.

I am running 2009 64 bit on a clean install of Vista 64bit OS

Any help or advice greatly appreciated.



Andre Carvalho
2008-10-22, 12:15 AM
...I select all of the text using the select all instances in the right click dialog...

That's the source of the problem. Select all Instances will select all instances in all views. In your case, just select the text on each sheet by using a window selection and then filtering only the text entities. That will work.

Andre Carvalho

2008-10-22, 12:36 AM
Thanks Andre,

Just out of curiosity, do you think that the way this works makes sense. To me, when working in the model, I can fully understand that if we select all instances in a particular view that we would copy all instances through out the model. However, when is a sheet view and dealing only with text, my expectation (obviously flawed), was that I would only be selecting all of the text on that sheet.

Whilst this particular town planning application didn't have all that much text and so to click each one I wished to copy was no big deal, in other cases ther might be 30 or even 50 bits of text which is a bit tiresome to select indivdually.

Maybe a wish list item! "select all - in current view"

Anyway, thanks again.



Andre Carvalho
2008-10-22, 03:38 AM
Thanks Andre,

Just out of curiosity, do you think that the way this works makes sense. To me, when working in the model, I can fully understand that if we select all instances in a particular view that we would copy all instances through out the model. However, when is a sheet view and dealing only with text, my expectation (obviously flawed), was that I would only be selecting all of the text on that sheet.

Whilst this particular town planning application didn't have all that much text and so to click each one I wished to copy was no big deal, in other cases ther might be 30 or even 50 bits of text which is a bit tiresome to select indivdually.

Maybe a wish list item! "select all - in current view"

Anyway, thanks again.




To be sincere with you, I like the way it is now; I just select one object, type SA (select all instances) and I'm sure that all instances of that object are selected in my entire project. However, I agree with you that having the option to select all instances in the current view (at least for annotations) would be a plus. The thing is that it would work for annotations (that are view specific) but I can't see how it would work for some model elements that are common to more than one view. For instance, a wall that's 3 stories tall and therefore is the same in level one, two and three. If you select that wall on level two and choose "Select all in the current view", you would be selecting it in the floor below and above as well... The same for columns that extend several levels... Maybe that's the reason of why that option is not available in Revit. :roll:

Andre Carvalho

2008-10-22, 06:43 AM
Hi Andre,

I think ultimately you are correct.

When thinking a bit more about it I found that it was really a hangover from the dark days of AutoCad where paper space, (sheets), are entirely separate from the model space which probably had me thinking it was wrong.

Nevertheless, for annotations only a select all text in a single sheet view it would be a nice feature to have. I never thought it was either possible or desireable to do the same with objects in the model.

