View Full Version : Wedge shaped parapet? cut top of wall at angle?

2008-10-22, 04:14 PM
I have a wedge shaped parapet on a building. It pitches out from the face of the building at about 33 degrees up from the horizontal. It's going to be alucobond or some similar composite panel.

I was going to do wall by mass to get the shape but I find that the wall top can't be cut off. ie: the wall pitches out but the top of the parapet is level with the ground. Which is not perpendicular to the exterior wall face. Does that make sense?

How would you model this? To compound the problem, the top of an Alucobond parapet is made of the uppermost panel which wraps back up over the parapet.

Oh, do I make the top a wall by the face of the mass? Going to try now.

Andre Carvalho
2008-10-22, 04:23 PM
If you want the top of your slanted wall to be parallel to the ground, you could create an in place void to cut it out later and make it parallel to the ground or create a wall profile that has the shape you want and run it as a sweep on top of your wall.

By the way, you can't create horizontal walls by picking the mass faces. Horizontal faces are for floor and roofs.

Andre Carvalho

2008-10-22, 04:25 PM
I would just embed a sweep at the top of the wall, in the wall definition... Assuming the wall doesnt have an edited profile.

2008-10-22, 07:02 PM
A void will cut a wall? Nice.

And the swept wall void... should have been obvious.

I used an in place family.

2008-10-22, 07:53 PM
the editted profile is an interesting poiunt. In our office that seems to be standard practice, then the wall top is always parralel to the bottom. So many voids make the file size huge. Should all walls be an in place extrusion

2008-10-22, 08:13 PM
Wait, what? Absoultely not! I dont use in place families ever, if i can help it.

You make it a habit of clicking every single wall and hitting "edit profile"? How come? The wall top is parallel with the bottom by default, unless you change it.

I think were all talking about different things though. I wouldnt use an in place ANYTHING (solid or void) if this is a condition thats going to repeat everywhere. Its a ton of manual work, and its not repeatable.

Make a profile Family of what this top piece looks like, and load it in the project. Then go in to your walls type properties, turn on the preview, and switch it to Section. Go in the sweeps button, add a sweep, select the profile (which is drawn to show the wedge), and the material for the metal, or whatever. Now your sweep occurs everywhere that wall type is.***IF*** you use Edit Profile, THEn you MIGHT need an in place sweep or blends, to make the sweep change elevations where the profile is edited... If its not perfectly horizontal at that location.

"In-Place" is the DEVIL.