View Full Version : Duplicate with Dependent

2008-10-24, 02:13 PM
Hey guys,

Quick question:

Is there a way to make a duplicated view a dependent view?

This project was set up by a drafter who mis-understood the architect and created about 30 or so duplicated views when the architect needed duplicate with dependent views.

The veiws have already been set up with the appropriate settings and crop crop regions. Is there a way to set the views to dependent after the view has been duplicated?


2008-10-24, 04:30 PM
No. You'll need to recreate the views. You can, however, copy annotations between the old and new views so it's not quite as bad as it may seem.

2008-10-24, 04:39 PM
you can do a duplicate w/detailing which will make it a separate view, and keep all the tags and information with the new view, and you can rename it to whatever you need to call it.

2008-10-24, 06:27 PM
Thanks guys for the reply

I ended up recreating the views myself, took me more than half the day and I am still not quite finished.

I did find that if you right click on a primary view you can select "Apply Dependent Views"

Which gave me the idea to "Duplicate with Dependent" the independent view (if that makes sense) then "Apply Dependent View" to the Newly created primary view. But once you have applied one view to the newly created primary view that view disappears from the selection of "apply dependent view" so I could only get one view to move and that was it. This idea would have worked if the view had not of disappeared from the list.

I hope that makes sense.

I will add this to the wish list.

Thanks again guys, have a great weekend.