View Full Version : Instance parameters in Stacked Walls

2008-10-26, 07:28 AM
There are some instance parameters of walls I would like to have access to in Stacked Walls. It is possible to edit room bounding and structural usage of the individual walls within as stacked wall, but from what I can see, the other wall instance parameters are greyed out and thus you can’t change them.
We currently use Acoustic and Fire rating (the Fire rating is a Shared Parameter) as an instance parameter. I can’t figure out how to add data to these parameters to a wall, inside a stacked wall.
Anyone got any ideas?

2008-10-26, 01:52 PM
Structural usage and Room Bounding you can edit, for the individual Basic Walls in the stacked wall. Tab to select them. Unfortch, you cant edit all the instance parameters like this. Mark and Comments, it wont let you touch. :(

You cant add information to the "Stacked wall" as an entity, because its considered a conglomerate of the "Basic" walls.... Also a little :(

2008-10-27, 04:45 AM
Thanks twiceroadsfool.

That's what I thought. We can add that to the wish list then.
It does make since that you might want to edit some if the instance parameters of a wall within a Stacked wall.
In the mean time we will avoid using stacked walls where we need fire or acoustic rating.
