View Full Version : Viewport-type default

B. Strube
2004-10-01, 04:04 PM
Two questions:
Say you have a list of viewport-types (with different title looks). 1. How do you define which one is the default when adding a view to a sheet? 2. How do you get rid of one that are not being used and you no longer want in the list? Note, I ran the purge unused, and it only came up with a couple of the types I wanted to purge. I have gone through all conceivable sheets and made sure no viewport was using the types I want to get rid of.

Thank you

2004-10-01, 05:32 PM
Second question first. Look under the family category of the project browser. You will find your types listed there. Select the ones to delete, right click and select delete.

Running on memory, the last used viewport look (I assume you mean sheet layout type of look) is the becomes the default - could be wrong on that - don't remember...

2005-11-14, 02:31 PM
Say you have a list of viewport-types (with different title looks). 1. How do you define which one is the default when adding a view to a sheet?

I am interested if there is a solution to this question.
Each time I drag a view onto a sheet it uses what seems to be a default view title. I then change it to the one that applies. I would like to be able to assign our Elevation view title so it is used when dragging an elevation view onto the sheet and so on...

2005-11-14, 04:38 PM
I did that by going into the template and renaming/modifying the one that was default to match the style i wanted by default... then deleting the other copy. Don't know why it defaults to one in particular but that seams to have worked.