View Full Version : "point cloud" data into Revit?

cliff collins
2008-10-27, 06:54 PM
I have read thru the previous older threads---
But need to ask again:

Has anyone had recent experience using 3D laser scans / "point clouds" with Revit?
Perhaps the "point cloud" can be imported into Navisworks, then imported into Revit as OBJ or some other format?

We have a very large renovation job, where there is discussion about having a 3d laser scan done to document the existing building. Sounds like a great BIM idea--but how can we use the point cloud data with Revit?

Any past experience, good or bad is appreciated!


2008-10-27, 07:14 PM
Try looking at


There are a couple of related stories about laser-scanning. You may have to do a search for the topic.

Good luck,

2008-10-27, 08:34 PM
We haven't used it yet but just had a surveying company that does it come in and give us a presentation. They said that they would actually have staff that takes the 3D point cloud and generate a file for whatever format we needed it in, whether it be Revit, ACAD, Rhino or whatever. The company would then give us both the raw point cloud data as well as the interpretation of that data in rvt format.

I took this to mean that we wouldn't necessarily have to deal with the point data ourselves but could still get the benefit out of it.

cliff collins
2008-10-27, 09:42 PM
I doubt they will make a Revit file for you--but it would be interesting to find out just what they can/would provide?

We downloaded the trial version of Navisworks, and were able to export from Revit and Import to NW very easily.

Just wondering how to get the point cloud info into Revit....


Mike Sealander
2008-10-27, 10:31 PM
There's a company here in Maine that does Fed work with point clouds. They also use Revit. Name is Penobscot Bay Media. Write me if you want the contact.

cliff collins
2008-10-30, 12:47 PM
Still no valid input on this.
Anyone else have experience/ideas?

The main issues seem to be:

1. Once 3d laser scan is complete, what is the best workflow for getting the data
into Revit? Obvious file format is Autocad 3D, import into Mass Family, etc.

2. How to convert the imported data into Revit content?

Massing tools--convert faces to walls, roofs, floors, etc. But how about windows, doors,
stairs, railings, structure, etc? Most likely these will need to be re-created from scratch
in Revit?


2008-10-30, 01:21 PM
You will have to trace over the cad files. And make decisions along the way as to how to build the model to move forward. The problem is the point cloud is too acurate to be usable. Do you really want a model where all walls are slightly off vertical and slightly of horizontal. So what we asked for was the revit model with the cad linked in so we can see the true construction so we could see how it would affect the new construction but not have to deal with the imperfections in the real world.

cliff collins
2008-10-30, 01:26 PM

Agreed. Thanks for the input. Sounds as if you have actually done this already?

Could you shed a bit more light on the workflow that was used, "post-laser scan"?



2008-10-30, 04:01 PM
We(the owner) hired a company to provide us with As-Built Revit drawings, they did all the translation, from their laser>to cad>to Revit. Then sent us both the cad and Revit. We sent them our office template so as they built the model it was too our standards. We did let them keep walls that were off in plan to be angled if it was perceptable from one end to the other.

cliff collins
2008-10-30, 06:43 PM

A couple of questions:

1. To clarify--the Owner paid the scanning firm to build the Revit model?
2. Did WATG have contractual language covering that?
3. How did the Revit model perform, in real-world, everyday arch. office workflow?
i.e. how much "fixing" or clean-up was required?
4. Since I do not know the scope of the project, how detailed was the laser-scan
and resulting Revit model? Site, Exterior, Interior, etc.?



2008-10-30, 07:25 PM
1. To clarify--the Owner paid the scanning firm to build the Revit model?

Yes, we always have the Owner provide the as-builts. Typically they would hire a company to do this in cad. Its no diff. now except the same companies that did cad as-builts are now getting asked to do revit as-builts.

2. Did WATG have contractual language covering that?

No, its the owners responsiblilty to provide as-builts unless you negotiate something diff, which I don't think is wise and you are too expensive if you measure your time to do as-builts vs. hiring a professional. Now I have personally created a number of as-built models for smaller projects.

3. How did the Revit model perform, in real-world, everyday arch. office workflow?
i.e. how much "fixing" or clean-up was required?

Its been great to have an existing model. It really jumpstarts the documentation process. Make sure you tell them to put everything in the existing phase and the PIN it so you don't accidently move or delete it. So far so good. There are some nasty issues because its "more accurate" . For example columns don't line up floor to floor, because in reality the are off slightly. Every light, outlet, speaker, sprinkler head, video camera, diffuser, etc is in the model which makes Demo very easy. Our demo plans were done in just a couple days. The company also took hundreds of photos and marked in the cad file where those were taken from so we use those in our demo plans.

4. Since I do not know the scope of the project, how detailed was the laser-scan
and resulting Revit model? Site, Exterior, Interior, etc.?

This is for a public space renovation so it is just interior. We also asked for Major structure and major ducts above ceiling. I hope this helps.

cliff collins
2008-10-30, 07:36 PM
Thanks, Scott!

Yes, this is very helpful, and I'm glad to finally hear a bit of positive experience on the subject.


2008-10-31, 12:12 PM

Would you mind providing the company information and contact person?


2008-10-31, 03:18 PM
I sent you a PM with the contact info.

cliff collins
2008-10-31, 03:26 PM

Can you PM me also?

Then I promise to stop pestering you!!

