View Full Version : Problem with Linked Model in 3d

2008-10-27, 11:01 PM
I am working on a model in Revit 9.0 and this model has 2 linked models inside it. One model is "Garage A" and the other is "Garage B". Both of these models were made in separate files using Revit. The other day when I opened up my file and went to look at a 3D view which was set up with a camera "Garage B" was missing. I couldnt see it in any of my 3D views I had set up. "Garage A" is still there. The previous day I had worked on this file and everything was fine. "Garage B" can be seen in the floorplans and elevations but its nowhere to be found in the 3D views. I have already checked my VG settings and my Workset settings. I have gone through "Manage Links" and made sure everything was correct there. Does any one how to fix this? Thanks!

2008-10-27, 11:33 PM
i guess the obvious things to check are your temporary hidden and concealed settings for objects. If this is not working, perhaps check your display settings for the link in that view, that is go to view properties, revit linked files and check to see if the link is displayed as vis hosted or linked file, if linked file check that the selected views display settings are correct for the scene. Other than this, try unloading and reloading the file...or perhaps copying the view...

best luck