View Full Version : Dragging PVI with grip

2008-10-29, 01:05 PM
We have a particular profile that when you try to drag the PVI with the grip to move its location, the highlighted grip shows up twice, one where your cursor is and the other is kinda like a ghost grip that is exactly twice the distance from the original grip/PVI location and along the same vector or angle away from the original PVI and your cursor. When you drop the PVI grip to place it in its new location, it places it on the ghost grip instead of where your cursor tried to drop it. Is there something weird with this profile? We have 4 other profiles in the same drawing and all of them drag the PVI correctly without problems. What is this?

2008-10-29, 03:12 PM
Which grip are you selecting to grip edit the PVI? There should be 3 grips at each PVI, one for each tangent and another right at the PVI. The tangent grips will hold the slope of the associated tangent and move the PVI along that slope. The other grip will freely move the PVI. Make sure you are selecting that grip if you want to freely move the PVI.

2008-10-29, 03:37 PM
Actually, it doesn't matter what grip you grab because it does it with all three. check out the images below. You can see my cursor is in one spot (where I want the PVI to go) but you see the actual PVI moving to exactly twice that distance on the same vector from the original point. I put 2 images in to show it on the other side when you drag it around. it's kinda neat to watch the ghost grip run around the screen at twice the distance but... well... I gotta get to work!

Any ideas?

2008-10-29, 06:24 PM
Well, in theory, all you have to do is work half as hard, drag the PVI only halfway to where you want it, then everything is good, right? :lol: