View Full Version : Pads Pads Pads...oh and there's a problem

2008-10-29, 02:45 PM
I'm trying to create two sloping pads abutting one another and when finished they leave a tiny sliver of topo surface between them. The sketch lines for the pads have all been aligned properly, and yet I still get a "gap" between them. Any ideas?????????

2008-10-29, 03:02 PM
You could try reversing the head/tail of the slope arrows on the slabs. I seem to remember this issue and a reversal of the slope arrows resolved the problem.

2008-10-29, 03:35 PM
Reversing the slope didn't fix the problem. I tried editing the surface and defining elevation points to get it to work but it still showed the sliver in question. Looking closer at the issue, the slivered topo surface does not reflect the original topo I had associated the pad with. It's consistently about a foot higher. I can hide the element within views but it also hides the surface's poche in any section views.
Now I'm really stuck...

cliff collins
2008-10-29, 05:08 PM

Can you post the example?


2011-07-20, 02:26 PM
kms, here's the exact explanation you need:
It works.

2011-07-20, 05:56 PM
OMG wow, and this whole time I thought this was a bug with versions prior to 2012. Wish I had known about this on the last 2 projects I had with sloping pads!

I believe this issue is related to the Height Offset from Level setting being different for each pad. Since that setting is a different elevation for each, it places that sliver between the 2 pads even though the "higher" pad slopes down to meet the lower pad. If you place both pads at the same level and slope one of them up, the problem goes away.