View Full Version : windows hiding in existing wall/ phasing

2008-10-29, 10:45 PM
I am trying to place new windows in an existing wall. The wall was created in the existing phase. The new windows are being placed in the new construction phase. I need to show the existing wall as a light wall, while the new elements are standard. I also want to show a dashed line for the demo'd portions. I have a phase override to show previous, new, and demo, but when I place the window in it the wall will cut show demo lines, but it fills in the window. You can see in the image that the windows are there and show if moused over, but they are hidden other wise.
This only recently happened, as some other windows and doors with similar setup show just fine... I tried openig with audit, moved the window around (left, right, up, down) no luck.

2008-10-30, 05:20 PM
I am trying to place new windows in an existing wall. The wall was created in the existing phase. The new windows are being placed in the new construction phase. I need to show the existing wall as a light wall, while the new elements are standard. I also want to show a dashed line for the demo'd portions. I have a phase override to show previous, new, and demo, but when I place the window in it the wall will cut show demo lines, but it fills in the window. You can see in the image that the windows are there and show if moused over, but they are hidden other wise.
This only recently happened, as some other windows and doors with similar setup show just fine... I tried openig with audit, moved the window around (left, right, up, down) no luck.

Turns out it had something to do with view ranges. Someday I hope to fully grasp how that works...

2008-10-30, 06:57 PM
I had the same thing happen yesterday.

Can you tell me what you changed in the view-range settings please?

2008-10-30, 07:03 PM
I guess I should have clarified that I used plan regions to do this. I had to move my cut plane down to 2' for one of the window areas, but for a different window type with a different sill height it needed to be at 4'. So really it was just trial and error for me. My view depths were set to go down to the level and up 8' over the level.

2008-11-27, 12:05 PM
In Revit Architecture 2009x64 I have experiemced the same problem.

I think this represents a problem with the new phasing filters in 2009, AutoDesk need to add a an additional column for transparency to the Graphic Overide tab on the Phases dialog.

My solution is to do the following:

1/ Create a new Phase filter and title it Demolished, set the New, Existing &
Temporary columns to Invisible and the Demolished column to Overridden
2/ Go to a view that shows new model components placed in existing walls that
exhibits the problem (usually all that display the Demolished components);
3/ Make a note of the Phasing filter change it to Demolished;
4/ Select all of the displayed (demolished) components, right mouse click and click on
Override Graphics in View>>By Element;
5/ Turn on the transparent option;
6/ Open the View Properties dialog and change the phase filter back to what it
was previously.

You should now have the objects displayed as in previous releases. One side effect of this is that it displays the outline of demolished objects that are behind other demolished objects, could get a bit busy on a deep view!.

I tried changing the both Patterns columns of the Demolished and Temporary phase filters to Hidden but that just meant that what appears to be a masking region replaces the pattern of the demolished components.

2009-09-28, 02:05 PM
Why is it that I can get the surface pattern override to work, but the outline still won't show for these cases?

I have the same construction, new window/door in existing wall and want to show the demo portion of the wall in elevation. Phase is set to New Construction and Phase filter is Previous+Demo, but the wall hides the demo outline of the window/door. If I select the wall and temporarily hide it, then the demo outline of my window/door shows.

Without overrides and a bit of workaround am I correct in saying there isn't a phase filter fix?

The demo section of the wall shows right in plan, so how is it that in elevation this is different?

2009-09-28, 06:16 PM
The difference is that your demo wall is being cut in plan, while the edges of the existing wall are not, and cut lines take precedence over projected lines. In elevation, none of the edges are being cut, and I'm guessing the edges of the wall to remain are taking precedence over the demo wall edges. Always happens to me in plans and site plans when I'm showing part of a sidewalk or paving to be demo'd up next to a piece to remain.

To fix it I just use line work to hide the edge of the existing to remain portion, and then I only see the edge of the demo portion. I usually have to hit Tab once to do this, as it will pick the edge of the demo piece to hide first, but you want to hide the edge of the existing piece.

2009-09-28, 07:34 PM
I understand what you are saying. What doesn't make sense is that this is a new window in the center of a blank wall. It doesn't show the outline of the demo part of the wall at all. I don't think I can get this to work without linework.

2009-09-28, 09:30 PM
I understand what you are saying. What doesn't make sense is that this is a new window in the center of a blank wall. It doesn't show the outline of the demo part of the wall at all. I don't think I can get this to work without linework.

Is this a new window where there was previously nothing before? Or was there something larger that you're demolishing and then putting a smaller window in its place, with some new wall infill around it?

2009-09-29, 10:20 AM
New window in existing wall. I want the rectangle to show as a demo portion of the wall. Try it out, I just did in 2010. Set to New Construction Phase and then Previous + Demo filter. It will show if you hide the wall, so I know it is there.

2009-09-29, 12:42 PM
When you place a new object in an existing wall, the demo'd portion of the wall has its geometry joined to the existing wall to remain by default. You can use the Unjoin tool to unjoin the demo piece of wall, or the whole wall from the demo pieces if there are many of them. Then you can use linework to hide the edges of the existing wall to remain, leaving the edges of the demo wall showing.

When you say you can't see the demo piece of wall in elevation, I'm guessing your wall doesn't have a surface pattern, is that correct? I just tried it with a brick veneer wall, and even before I did anything to the wall, I could see the demo piece in elevation because the surface pattern on the demo piece showed up full strength, while the existing to remain portion remained halftone.