View Full Version : Visibility Problem

Allen Lacy
2003-04-30, 03:18 PM
I am using a doric column that Andy Gockel posted some time ago. When placed on 1st floor, it shows on 2nd floor as well. Have checked view ranges & they are current level (no offset). It is a generic model, so I can turn off, but lose visibility of other generic objects. Any ideas?[/img]

2003-04-30, 04:32 PM

Is the column displayed as if it's on an underlay or is it diplaying normal?

Did you check the familiy itself? Are there any sybolic, or model lines extended past the top of the coulmn? That could cause this behavor. I find that improperly positioned model lines can cause revit families to display oddly.


Allen Lacy
2003-04-30, 04:44 PM

Family does't have symbolic or model lines. I have change visibility of cap & part of base not to be visible in plan & that part worked, but it still shows up on levels above. Thanks

2003-04-30, 05:40 PM

I just looked at the doric column and (my version was downloaded on April 1, 2003) and inserted it into a project.

My version works OK - I cannot see the column on the second floor. I created a floor slab for both 1st and 2nd floors and extended the column to the u/s of the 1st flr. clg only.


Allen Lacy
2003-04-30, 06:15 PM

Could you e-mail that one to me directly.