View Full Version : Room Tags in Building Sections

2003-08-13, 10:58 PM
What are others using for this. The option for placing room tags in a section view is grayed out, but there must be some way to place a tag that reads the room number and name from the floor plan...right?

2003-08-14, 12:19 AM
Err, No, sorry there isn't :cry:

( One of my pet perves, and hopefully on the "to do for R6" list of one of the programmers.)

2003-08-14, 09:01 AM
Beegee, please tell me its one of your pet peeves and not one of your pet perves before I have to whip out the moderators irons and have you transported. Oh but hang on....

2003-08-14, 09:33 AM
OK Peter, please transport me to Van Diemans land. I love it down there. Did the six day hike from Cradle Mountain to Lake St Clair last year and planning to do the 4 day Bay of Fiores walk in January.

Actually , room names in sections started out as a pet peeve, Peter, but has now become a particularly perverted part of the package, causing perplexing if not perfidious performance in the perception of pernickety particpants, including perfidious perfectionists and peripheral pedants, portraying pertinant postulations.

2003-08-14, 12:36 PM
puzzling poser for a person of your position.

Note to self: Do not come over all colonial when moderating

2003-08-14, 01:37 PM
just use a generic annotation tag.