View Full Version : View Title - North Arrow Bearing Control

2008-11-05, 09:41 PM
I'm working on creating a view title that has a north arrow nested into it where I would like to be able to control the bearing of the north arrow.

First I created the Arrow by itself as a Generic Annotation.

Then I loaded it into another Generic Annotation where I assigned an Angle Dimension parameter to control the Arrows' bearing.
This step was primarily to avoid the errors I kept getting when the bearing parameter and
arrow were in the same family. During my check of the rotation the arrow would get distorted
and break appart. Isolating the Arrow seems to have helped with it's integrity during rotation.

I also checked the "Shared" attribute under the "Family Category and Parameter" control and
loaded this elementinto the "View Title"

In the "View Title" I can see and control the rotational properties of the True North arrow by selecting the True North arrow and viewing its properties.

When I load this View Title into the project I cannot see the rotational control attributes of the True North arrow.

Is is possible to link through the rotational parameter of the generic annotation so that I can see and control it in the View Title properties in the project?


2008-11-06, 12:09 AM
You will need to Right-Click Edit Properties from the 'View Title' item directly in the Tree View. It is not accessible from the workspace since it is an element of the viewport.

If you still have problems, I can post the one I use as an example.

2008-11-06, 12:11 AM
I will be gone for a while...here is one I modified/made.

2008-11-06, 04:53 PM
Part of the problem appears to be related to the nesting. I'm bringing the north arrow into the view title, but when I load the view title into the project the north arrow disassociates itself from the view title and becomes a separate annotation element. The rotation parameter is available with the north arrow if I bring it into the drawing as a separate element.

Anyone have an idea on what's going on?

The north arrow is a Generic Annotation. Can the View Title accept this type of element in the project?

2008-11-06, 05:01 PM
I've attached the file for review.

Richard at AA
2008-11-06, 08:24 PM
Make the parameters (TN-Visible & TN-Bearing) TYPE parameters and they will be visible outside the family. I've not been able to get instance parameters visible with nesting.

Richard at AA
2008-11-06, 08:56 PM
Here you go - I think this is what you are after.

2008-11-06, 09:07 PM
Made the change but that doesn't seem to work. The True North arrow still comes through as a separate element and is not embedded in the View Title. I think the problem lies in the relationship between the Generic Annotation (True North Arrow) and the View Title.

2008-11-06, 09:23 PM
Disregard my previous comment. Just got your upload. Yes, that works great. Interesting that you have to edit the element parameters through the project browser. That operation runs contradictory to using the properties button and I know is going to frustrate the production staff. I need to revisit my methodogy to see where I went wrong

Thanks Richard

2008-11-06, 09:48 PM

I found all the problems. To many to mention here.

Arrgh , I feel like a need a flow chart to understand parameter controls with nested objects.

2008-11-06, 09:55 PM
Here's the final version. I needed to tweak it a little, but the credit goes to Richard for the fix. If you are trying to create a similar set up I thought this might serve as a good base to build from. Good luck.