View Full Version : Transparency Bug & Massive glass blocks

2008-11-06, 10:45 PM
I came across this issue today and wanted to see if anyone else is seeig this too...
Make a solid block about 50' x 50' x 50' and give it a glass material that has transparency, like "Glass Clear Light".
now render it using High quality and see what you get.
I am getting what looks like solid blocks of opaque material, not a tranparent glass.
I am finding that the "Glass Clear Light" material is not transparent at all even at 1" thick. but it is a solid opaque material. There is no way to change the transparency levels of this material, even though it has a 0 to 1 transparency slider.
I attached an image.
The only transparent glass material that seems to work as I would expect is 'Glazing Window Glazing' but this material can't be adjusted to be less transparent or partially opaque except to some degree with color.
Is this a bug or is it intentional? It is odd.

2008-11-07, 03:34 PM
Does it have a solid hatch set for the surface pattern, if so thats why.

2008-11-07, 04:14 PM
Thanks for your reply but it doesn't apply -Hatches don't render. Try what I'm saying and you will see there is a bug in the glass material settings.

2008-11-09, 08:47 PM
Yes, I get the same - glass materials are solid, glazing materials are transparent.


2008-11-10, 02:37 PM
Why not just use an actual Glass material? That Glass Clear Light material brings up generic material properties, while something else like Glass Clear (what we've been using without issue) brings up actual Solid Glass properties.

Check out this rendering I did using Glass Clear. You can see that it renders quite well, and I can even see my background through the glass in areas where there is a window on the opposite side of the building.

