View Full Version : Bore Hole Sections

2008-11-07, 12:20 AM
Summary: Create bore hole sections.

Description: I would like Autodesk Civil 3d to be capable of generating geometric cross sections from bore hole data.

How Used: Generating geometric cross section profiles.

Feature Affinity: Profiles

Submitted By: Bill adams on August 19, 2008

2008-11-12, 01:42 PM
The following is posted on behalf of Bruce Dana.

Description: A tool in Civil 3D to draw boring data/ soilboxes in cross section, profile and plan views.
How Used: Boring sata is usually provided in comma separated (CSV) format in two separate files. The ".BRH" file contains borehole name, station, offset, 0-hour water elevation, 0-hour water elevation date, 24-hour water elevation, and 24-hour water elevation date.