View Full Version : Need to tag/schedule a shared parameter associated with a nested family

Richard at AA
2008-11-07, 08:32 AM
I have searched these forums and it sounds like everyone is doing this but I cannot seem to figure this out. I am experimenting with nesting a header family inside the window family. I have a plethora of Headers loaded and have the Header family loaded as a Shared Parameter.

I can place the window just fine, the header sits right over the window as desired and it is visible in Medium Detail Level only on Plan View, as desired. I can select any of the headers I loaded just fine in the drop down menu in the windows instance parameters. The nested headers have several Shared Parameters (BEAM_ID, QUALITY, SPECIES_MAT).

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to tag the window with those shared parameters (again, they are associated with the nested header). I will also need to schedule them and no luck there either. I have tried making them Instance and Type with no luck. I also checked if it were possible to make new Shared Parameters (with the same name) part of the Window Family...which works, but I am at a loss on how to make the window Shared Parameters equal to the Nested Header family parameters - it seems I can only make the nested family parameters match the window parameters.

I've attached the OOTB Fixed window that has the nested Header and is my experimental model. What am I missing here?

Richard at AA
2008-11-07, 09:05 AM
I've figured this out now.

In order to get the nested family parameters available in a schedule and taggable they must be labled as 'Shared' under Family Category & Parameters...

Problem almost solved...

Now my Header Tag seems to have moved way off where it typically is...