View Full Version : Type Catalogs - problem including "Type Comments"

2008-11-07, 05:24 PM
Has anyone tried to create a type catalog where the catalog defines the Type Comment that should be inserted into the type? The parameter "Type Comments" exists when editing a family, and if you create multiple types in the family editor, you can define separate Type Comments for each. However, when I attempt to include "Type Comments##other##" in my catalog, when I go to load, I get a warning message indicating the parameter does not exist, so it will be ignored. Obviously, since it is being ignored, the types that are generated do not contain the necessary information. I've tested this out on a simple family, after having problems with my original family. I understand (as frustrating as it is) why I can't define a Type Mark, as it never exists until the family is actually loaded, but I don't understand why there seems to be some sort of inconsistency between the parameter in the family, and the parameter in the project, particularly when it is a "System Parameter" and not user defined.


Steven Campbell
2008-11-07, 05:45 PM
Hi Robert,
It is a bug that has been around for a while. The problem has to do with when the "family" parameter in this case "Type Comments" is empty, the type catalog parameter that matches does not load. If you just add a comment into the family "Type Comments" parameter it exercises the parameter then the type catalog will work.

Even thou there is a simple work around, please file it with customer support to bump up the priority of the bug. Thanks

2008-11-07, 05:48 PM
Thanks Steve,