View Full Version : detail callout help

2008-11-10, 05:48 PM
I've read thru the posts on detail callouts but still can't seem to get to what i want.

I want to create a detail callout linked to a drafting view that is placed in a plan, section, and / or elevation view that has a "foot" on the end instead of the dashed bubble. I also want the leader to be able to turn 90 degrees. (This last requirement keeps me from using a short "detail" section tag - you cannot have the leader in two parts - just a single strait line.) See attatched image for what i am trying to accomplish.

In a related note, why can't i edit the family for these elements? Also, i load new callouts into my project, and i have no idea where they go. They do not show up in the drop down choice under callout tag. Where are they?

2008-11-10, 10:21 PM
Firstly, If you chose the Section view command, and use the Detail View: Detail family it will give you the tail you want, instead of the dashed bubble. The dashed bubble is used when you chose the floor plan view command.
Secondly, I don't know if you can do the 90 degree turn, I haven't looked into that.

Third, the section mark or detail call outs are system families which cannot be opened to be edit, but are made up of different parts. If you go to Settings pull down and go to view tags, you will see 3 options, select Section tags and you'll see what the 3 items that type (whatever is listed) is made up of, . Section Head, Section Tail are families that you will find listed in the project browser under the families, and annotation symbols. That is where you find the family and edit it.

I hope my explanation makes sense, and it's enough to get you started. If not let me know I can show you some screen shots or you can call me.

OH and the additional families you loaded, will be listed in the project browser under the families list.

Good Luck!

2010-04-06, 12:47 AM
Has anyone come up with a way to produce the 90 degree trun?

2010-04-13, 11:28 PM
I'd like to know too, if it's possible.
We just add a detail component, not part of the call out of course.

Alex Page
2010-04-14, 12:34 AM
Is this what you want (refer image)
load attached family into your project and create a section tag under settings/ view tags

2010-04-19, 05:15 PM
Is this what you want (refer image)
load attached family into your project and create a section tag under settings/ view tags
Thanks Alex, that works. Seems simple, I'd have two detail section types, one how you show and another for horizontal call outs.

Thank you!