View Full Version : Linked models and door window schedule

2008-11-10, 08:53 PM
HI all,

We have been experimenting with using linked revit models into one main file.
My question is.
If you have, say two linked models into a main file can you construct a door / window schedule which will include the linked model's or do you have to create a separate schedule for each model in its own file?
If this is the case how do you combine it into one overall schedule for the entire project?

2008-11-10, 09:21 PM
In the MAIN file, go in the door schedule, and go to the Fields tab. Bottom left corner, there is a radio butting that says *include elements in linked files.*

If you check it, they will come. :)

You still need to go in the links to change the door parameters though... :) Happy Reviting :)

2008-11-13, 07:20 PM
One other thing: if you add items to your schedule in the master file as project parameters, you need to add those same parameters to the building file in order for them to work. As in was said above, you will then need to enter the information for those parameters in the individual building files.

I'm actually working on this right now and trying to decide if things like detail references and signage text should just be project parameters, or if I should include them all in the door families, even if there won't be any information entered there.

Scott Womack
2008-11-14, 11:17 AM
One other thing: if you add items to your schedule in the master file as project parameters, you need to add those same parameters to the building file in order for them to work. As in was said above, you will then need to enter the information for those parameters in the individual building files.

I'm actually working on this right now and trying to decide if things like detail references

References to Views will not come across from linked files. All elevations, Sections, and details will have to be created in the main file. You can have each of these "look at" or display the text, dimensions, etc dfrom the linked file, just not any view referencing items.