View Full Version : Legend View and rotating Family Objects...

2008-11-10, 08:57 PM
I would like to have the ability to rotate the family objects brought into the legend view... but so far I see no way to do this other than wish that the original creator created the object with the legend in mind... and made the object in the direction we would like to place them in the legend...

Because we are unable to rotate them the legend look terrible wasting lots of space... I am very likely going to have to export it to AutoCAD rotate them and import it back in as a non linked drafting view... something I would prefer not to do... (extra work and we loose the link between the legend and what it really looks link on plan....)

Anyone else have this problem? anyone found the solution other then what I have suggested?


2008-11-10, 09:29 PM
YES! I've had a few issues. and there is a solution I've just now tried, here's a link to a recent thread who's explanation has helped me Legend Components - Can't see an Elevation view (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=90091) a question I asked last week.
Do the search as suggested and you'll see a few other thread with more explanations of the same.

Good Luck!

2008-11-10, 09:30 PM
What Elisa said. I dont bother with legends anymore, the *workaround* for it works much better and everything stays live...

2008-11-11, 01:56 PM
YES! I've had a few issues. and there is a solution I've just now tried, here's a link to a recent thread who's explanation has helped me Legend Components - Can't see an Elevation view (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=90091) a question I asked last week.
Do the search as suggested and you'll see a few other thread with more explanations of the same.

Good Luck!

Well... It would still have been better if Revit’s Legend system did all the things everyone wanted... I see why many have abandoned it and moved to this work around... which I can see working fine... although it will add to an already very complex project's plans and phasing... I already have piles of phases in this job...

This method... from what I gather would model the legend in a fake model... in a phase (best to call the phase Legend... Just a thought) make it so the items only exist for this phase so they will not occur during any of the other phases... and model it away from the rest of the model... I see some problems with this idea, but it would still work and keep the elements live with the model... But may give false information for quantity information... if you are not careful... You would also have to ensure that schedules remove the Legend phase elements from the schedules since they are only for the legend and are not real elements...

So it is a bit messy for that reason...

I really like the initial look at the legends... (sounding like a broken record...) but it really fell short.. :(

Andre Carvalho
2008-11-11, 02:08 PM
But may give false information for quantity information... if you are not careful...

Not really because these elements will be created AND demolished just in the phase after...

But I agree we should have a better legend tool.

Andre Carvalho

2008-11-11, 02:10 PM
Okay, AUGI is on the fritz, and it said it didnt post, so i retyped it. Im a dummy...

2008-11-11, 02:23 PM
It cant schedule incorrect information if its done correctly, since the *modeled legend* never exists at the same time as the project. I even have a safety check of a view dedicated ONLY to making sure the proper items have all been demolished. More complex? yeah, but it works wonders. You can tag, dimension, elevate, update, and im in love with it.

Legends love me too, but i just want to be friends.

BTW, the only thing it WONT play nice with: Thirs party apps that dont respect Phasing, like Especs. If you have an Overhead Coiling door in your door LEGEND, and not in your project, it WILL generate a spec, since the entire model pushes out at once. So if you use typical legends and dont remove unused content, it might bite you.

But thats a small price to pay...

2015-10-08, 03:43 AM
For some families like columns, just duplicate a new type, resize W/ D n put to legend.