View Full Version : NWCOUT and NWDOUT

2008-11-11, 11:50 PM
What happened to these two commands??? We used to use them in MEP 08 so that we didn't have to open Navis just to save and when we installed Navis Manage, the program is just a joke, so we want to avoid using it at all costs, even just to save. Anyone know what happened to these two commands from 2008 to 2009?

2008-11-15, 09:20 AM
Hi Trevor,

Please note I have *moved* this thread from the AMEP 2009 forum to this one as I feel it will be better served in this forum.

Scott Telthorst

AMEP Forum Moderator

2008-11-15, 06:08 PM
The NWCOUT and NWD OUT commands are still there. However as with the earlier version of Jetstream, you will need to have a copy of NavisWorks installed on your machine for these commands to work.

If you have the exporters already installed, but they're not showing up in ACAD MEP, type ARX in the command line and select Load. Navigate to the folder where the exporters are located and select nwexport2009. If you want to experiment with the NavisWorks interface, load the nwnavigator2009 as well.

You should now be able to use the NWCOUT and NWDOUT commands.


2008-11-15, 07:38 PM
Or you can also run a repair of NavisWorks and it will set everything up properly again.
Why do you say Manage is a joke? Are you using 2009.1? The first release did have a number of issues but the point release is just as stable as v5 now.

2008-11-26, 06:21 PM
I have 2009.1 and I don't feel that it is stable at all. I am still unable to refresh a drawing without crashing either Manage or Review. It is extremely annoying to have to open and close Navis everytime I make a change, especially during the initial design process. I have read other threads that say that this was fixed in the .1 release but I just don't see it. It also takes ages to open large files, a lot longer than it did with Jetstream. Example: I have a file that is a little more than 17Mb and it takes over an hour to open it. In Jetstream it was maybe 5 min. For situations like this I just don't bother to use Navis anymore as it slows me down more than it helps...

2008-12-01, 02:48 PM
We had some similar issues in our Denver office. I think that a re-install fixed the issue.


I have 2009.1 and I don't feel that it is stable at all. I am still unable to refresh a drawing without crashing either Manage or Review. It is extremely annoying to have to open and close Navis everytime I make a change, especially during the initial design process. I have read other threads that say that this was fixed in the .1 release but I just don't see it. It also takes ages to open large files, a lot longer than it did with Jetstream. Example: I have a file that is a little more than 17Mb and it takes over an hour to open it. In Jetstream it was maybe 5 min. For situations like this I just don't bother to use Navis anymore as it slows me down more than it helps...

2009-01-22, 12:23 AM
same problem here 2009.1 is a pig.

2009-01-29, 02:54 AM
2009.1 is alot better than the previous release.All your problems could be fixed with a repair or re-install.The only hang-up i see is i run the 64 bit version and 3rd party smart tags are unavailable even with the real dwg patch.

2009-01-30, 02:32 AM
Hi. I have found that having updated display drivers makes a huge difference with this program.
Just my two cents.
Best regards,

2009-06-10, 05:33 PM
It could be your Video card is not sufficient enough to support navisworks. If this is the case you can try turning off hardware acceleration (Global Options/Display). It wont be as pretty, but it will crash a lot less.