View Full Version : Filled regions over model objects

Eric Stewart
2003-08-14, 01:10 PM
So, is this the new hangout? Not much is going on over at alt.cad.revit.

This is for an addition/remodel job.

I would like to use a filled region to designate an area of an existing plan that is not to be modified. However, when I place the filled region it obsures the model objects (walls, doors etc.). I tried to "Send to Back" the region but that did not help.

Is there anything I can do?


Eric Stewart

2003-08-14, 01:36 PM
See the tips and tricks, basically you duplicate the plan view, draw your filled region, change the view type to wire frame and turn the model off, then drag this view onto your sheet overtop of your plan, it will automatically snap into alignment with your plan.

2003-08-14, 01:40 PM
Filled regions mask unwanted portions of the model by design. "Send to back" and "bring to front" only affect the relationships between detail lines, filled regions, detail components, etc. Sounds like phasing might be your answer but I haven't used phasing so I can't give you any specifics in that regard.