View Full Version : Accessories Schedules

2008-11-13, 04:38 PM
I am looking for suggestions on how I might go about creating something to do something similar to what we use to do manually...

This would be an accessories schedule... The schedule we do manually would list rooms and then across the top we would have all the possible accessories... and you would place the quantity of each accessories below the type of accessory...

Now I already know I am in for a big change in how to do this schedule... but we still need something to give the required number of each type of accessory within each room... and it needs to keep to a minimum in size.. Which is why we had the heading across the top and didn't list the accessories in each room each time...

I know Revit has good quantifying abilities... the question is... can it quantify and locate based on what room the items are located... and can I get these items into a form that is manageable...

Any suggestions would be great... 8)

Scott Womack
2008-11-13, 05:28 PM
........didn't list the accessories in each room each time...
I know Revit has good quantifying abilities... the question is... can it quantify and locate based on what room the items are located... and can I get these items into a form that is manageable..

Yes it can schedule items by room, (not system families) Getting it to count by individual accessory... harder.:roll: It can be a tough schedule to work out, and takes rigid control over the data entered.You'll only be able to schedule those parameters that are common to all of the accessories, and if the accessories are of multiple object catagories, it'll be even tougher. You probably have to add a series of parameters, making them hidden, so you can use them in the filtering, and sorting.

2008-11-13, 06:56 PM
Yes it can schedule items by room, (not system families) Getting it to count by individual accessory... harder.:roll: It can be a tough schedule to work out, and takes rigid control over the data entered.

But Possible... :-) With thought... I do understand the complexities of filters and added parameters... it is how to set up the schedule it self... what should it look like?

Scott Womack
2008-11-14, 11:21 AM
But Possible... :-) With thought... I do understand the complexities of filters and added parameters... it is how to set up the schedule it self... what should it look like? In order for the Accessories to appear across the top you might have to actually rotate the schedule, unless you made a parameter for each accessory (or catagory), placing it in all of the accessories, and only one column would be filled in for each type? I believe Revit will want the accessories up and down the schedule. You might be able to work around it. When scheduling these things, add the fields, then in the lower left, pull down that item, and you'll see room information that can be added to the schedule.

2008-11-14, 03:51 PM
Revit schedule will work backwards from the way you are used to doing it.

In a Revit accessory schedule you will look at the accessory and what rooms it is in.

So there is no easy way to get your type of schedule automatically, you can easily make a specialty equpment key schedule and fake it with room names as columns.

In revit since you actually place the equipment I think you can talk the powers that be into changing the way they document the equipment. Ie you can do many room equipment plans on a sep. sheet, tag them and place the equipment schedule under them. then its live and alway accurate and quicker to set up. And actually much easier for the contractor.

2008-11-14, 09:08 PM
The schedule you describe is what Access and Excel refer to as "cross-tab" query or format where there are different sorting criteria used, a combination of more than one "report" essentially.

Revit can easily report a summary of equipment condensed down to one row per item and show how many there are (a shorter schedule).

Revit can easily report what room (as long as a room exists) each component is in (a longer schedule).

These two schedules on a sheet tell the whole story. If the reader is interested in a total count...the summary is attractive. If the reader wants to know where to put the accessories then the other is attractive. Both are useful and easy to make. The one you want that combines the reports is not possible at this time. If you could get one "close" it won't sort/format in the manner you are asking for.

2008-11-14, 10:37 PM
True, but as it is Revit and the schedules are live, you can just place both schedules on a sheet instead of fighting to make one do both. Duplicate information is not nearly as dangerous in Revit as it was in Cad. That's a mindshift we're still trying to make...