View Full Version : Stair Stringers Visibility

2003-05-06, 11:16 PM
Can anyone help.
Thanks in-advance.

GS Fulton
2003-05-07, 04:52 AM
If you mean that you would like to not see the stringer on the side you want open then highlight the stair, click properties, and then "edit/new". There are selections in the type properties for type of side stringer and stringer position. Good luck.

George F

2003-05-07, 12:26 PM
George that is the problem I believe. If I turn off one side they both get turned off.

I would like to see the left side stringer as closed and the right side stringer as open, not gone altogether.

I think the property box allows only open; closed; or not visible at all.

Might be a wishlist item unless anyone else can help.

2003-05-07, 05:41 PM
In fact you have two options in the dialog that will control this. You can select open or closed stringer and also stringer position which allows a half a dozen or more variants, such as left only, right only, middle, middle and left and so on. With the correct combination of selection you should be able to get what you are aiming for.


2003-05-07, 06:37 PM
Peter, still no go.
I have tried every possilbe way.

It is the stringer open or closed that rules overall.
You either have open or closed stringers with the added
choice of having the visibility of left and or right etc...

I still would like one side open and one side closed with
both being visible.

I will go and wish for control over each stringer side.

Thanks all.

GS Fulton
2003-05-08, 05:42 AM
I see what you're after now, left open and right closed. There doesn't seem to be a way to do that. One for the wish list.