View Full Version : Schedules - Calculations on Totals?

2008-11-17, 04:38 PM
Hi all...

Within a schedule, is there a way to do calculations based on the totals, at the bottom of a schedule?

For example... I have a room schedule, and I have the sum of all areas, displayed at the bottom of the schedule. Can I make revit that that number, and push it to another schedule?

Thanks in advance.


2008-11-17, 06:36 PM
It's in there. Just not real obvious.
First you need to go to the Sorting/Grouping tab of your schedule's Properties and sort by, say, Department. Just under the "Sort by:" is a check box for Footer. Set that to "Title and Totals"
Here's the tricky part. You also need to go to the "Formatting" tab. Select the field you want to total (most likely "Area"), then check the "Calculate Totals" box.

There are a bunch of other options, but that should at least get you started.

2008-11-17, 06:54 PM
I think he's gotten that far. It seems what he's asking for is summing within the totals, or basically a linked worksheet excel style. (Now, there is an option for "Grand Totals" which will total the sub-totals at the bottom of a single schedule, so that might get you part-way there.)

The short answer is no.

The long answer is there are ways to make it seem to work, but they're all faking it. You could create a parameter in another schedule, and type in the totals from the other schedule, and then use those in the new schedule. But, if the totals change in schedule 1, you'd better remember to change them manually in schedule 2.

All that said, if you're an API kind of guy, I'm pretty sure you can pull off what you're talking about with the API no problem.

Good luck!

2008-11-17, 09:39 PM
Thanks for the responses, folks.

Yes, DaveP, I have been playing with those "Calculate Totals" parameters. However, I'm finding that I can't manipulate, or do calculations based on that GrandTotal value.

To get into the nitty gritty... Let's say I have a 10,000 sf floor plate. Half is business occupancy (100sf per person). Half is storage (300sf per person). Either with rooms or with areas, I can get Revit to tell me there is a grand total of 67 persons on that floor (50 in business, 17 in storage).

Now... When I need to apply the 67 persons for other calculations (egress width, plumbing fixture counts, convergence studies, etc) I can't access that value easily.

In effect, I can only do calculated values to 50 persons and 17 persons... but not 67 persons total. Sometimes this works out OK, because of the transitive property of multiplication. Sometimes, it doesn't (plumbing fixture counts, for example)


Calvin, thanks for your reply also. From what you're saying, it sounds like there isn't an automated way to link two schedules together. Thanks.