View Full Version : Section View Depth Missing

Dave F.
2008-11-18, 06:23 PM
Using '09

I have some section marks that, for some reason, are missing the dash lines representing the depth of view. The width ones are still visible.

Any idea what this represents, & how to get them back?

Thanks for any help.

Andre Carvalho
2008-11-18, 06:33 PM
Your far clip is set to No Clip. To get it back, go to the section properties, Far clipping and set it to Clip with line or without line.

Andre Carvalho

Dave F.
2008-11-18, 07:22 PM
You're correct Andre, Thank you.

How would I have change that? I definitely didn't change it in the element properties dialog. My sections are created by default with it set to Clip without Line. Did I click on something on the actual section mark?

I had a look in help & can see nothing that mentions this, unless I'm going blind. I'm at a loss how I'm menat to learn this.

Thanks again for your help.

Andre Carvalho
2008-11-18, 11:11 PM
You're correct Andre, Thank you.

How would I have change that? I definitely didn't change it in the element properties dialog. My sections are created by default with it set to Clip without Line. Did I click on something on the actual section mark?

I had a look in help & can see nothing that mentions this, unless I'm going blind. I'm at a loss how I'm menat to learn this.

Thanks again for your help.

There's a bug in Revit that may have caused this: If you are in a section or elevation view adding a text note and press the HOME key (which we know doesn't work in Revit 2009), the text box will extend a little and the view clipping will change. I know it sounds weird but that's what happens and maybe happened to you as well...

I think this explains the issue.

Andre Carvalho

2008-11-20, 04:26 AM
I have seen this bug as well. It drove me crazy as to my views kept on changing for no apparent reason. Clip is set, but the distance is grayed out. I use several "standard" keyboard quick keys that seem to work sporadically within Revit. Glad to hear that it's not just me :)