View Full Version : PlantVIEW Conversion to Navisworks via DWF

2008-11-18, 08:25 PM
I have a client that (STILL!) uses the old PASCE PlantVIEW 3D piping design software and they had a need to review their models in a newer product as the old PlantWALK review software written for Windows NT 4.0 just didn't work well under newer Windows versions anymore.

To help them out, I've been able to create some tools and a process to convert WF files -- which are 3D PlantWALK files created using the PlantVIEW WFILE command -- into the AutoDesk 3D DWF format. The DWF file can then be loaded by NavisWorks Freedom and used for design review or walk throughs.

We've used the process on a half dozen projects, so far it has worked very well.

If you find yourself in a similar predicament let me know, I may be able to help!


2009-02-09, 11:50 AM

I just saw that you have found a way of converting PASCE Provue 3D model files into Navisworks, Would you care to let me know some more information! I remember Cadcentre offered a transfer program IF you upgraded from PASCE to PDMS but the company I worked for could never afford the financial commitment so stayed with PASCE. The only way then to export was either dxf output either 2d or 3d, or a convert program that runs through Autocad version13 that worked quite well. (I just need to re-find my notes).

Many thanks


2009-03-21, 02:47 PM
Hi Mitch,

Sorry I didn't see your post until now. The process I came up with to convert PASCE PlantVIEW (Provue) 3D models into the DWF format involves several tools -- but the key piece was writing some custom code to help convert the PASCE WFile output into 3D polygon meshes. I was able to layer the PASCE hierachy such that it could be identified or browsed in NavisWorks Freedom.

We have used the process about a dozen times now, and it's been working very well so-far.

If you could send me a small WFile from one of your projects I'd be happy to try a conversion for you.



2012-07-31, 07:59 AM

Are you still out there? :-)
Interesting, we also still have some old (useless) Plantview models.
Should be fancy if I could wake them up again with Navisworks! :-)

Hoping to hear from you!

Kind regards,

2012-08-16, 05:43 PM

Yes, I'm still here!
We have not used the conversion process for a couple of years now, but it should still work after I dust it off a bit. ;-)

If you would like to send me a small WFile sample I could give it a try for you.

Let me know.
