View Full Version : Columns not always showing from Revit-Struct. file

2008-11-19, 12:19 AM
Good Day,

I have a strange situation. Column from a Revit Structural file linked in aren't showing on all details. When I do a new Detail View, using the Callout - Detail View command, some details show the columns from the linked file, and some don't. Strangely, if I chose Floor Plan, instead of Detail View, it does show the column. Of course that's not what I need, I need it to be a detail view.
I've looked and compared the Visibility Graphics of both details, one showing one without. I've tried it on different stations, nothing is hidden. I can't figure out why some how and some don't.
Any other ideas on what I can check or try to look at?


2008-11-19, 01:06 AM
It has been discussed before, it's a know issue. Do a serach on the forum you will find the answer.

2008-11-19, 04:28 PM
Thank you, I'll try and find it.