View Full Version : Fixed Shared Parameter

2008-11-19, 07:38 PM

Forgive me if what i am asking is simple and i have somehow overlooked it.

I am looking for a way to have multiple in place families in a project share 1 common parameter.
An example would be to create say 4 cylindrical mass forms (each a seperate family) with parameters set up for height and radius.
Height i would like to have independent control over in each of the families, but radius i would like to be identical for all.
All of which i would love to be able to list in a schedule and also change via the schedule, so i would end up with something like this.

This way further down the track if radius needs to change i can just change it once and all familes update.

hope thats clear


2008-11-19, 07:41 PM
Youll need to make them out of Mass Families, and not In-Place Mass families.

File > New > family > Mass. Make the cylinder there, and put in the parameters (Shared) that you would like. Add the SP's to the project as well.

Youll really only need one Cylinder family, since its parametric. You just make different types (or one type if theyre all the same).

Then create a schedule of the Families, and schedule the SP's...

2008-11-19, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the fast reply,

The reason i was making them in place families is that the cylinders actually require access to project parameters such as grids, levels and reference planes, as i would like to be able to add voids to them that extract mass based on these. Therefore it is alot easier when adjusting the cylinders in place as you can see what is also occuring in the current project.

hope thats clear.



2008-11-19, 07:58 PM
I understand the desire, but you wont be able to add in control with the Shared Parameters the way you would like...

EDIT: You can still put in height parameters that are instance based in the mass Families, so that you can constrain them to levels and reference planes in the project. You can also include reference planes in the family, to align to grids in the project.

FWIW, i do agree that it would be nice to have constraint AND parameter power in the native PROJECT environment. We had it it Digital Project and the potential was amazing.... But so was the potential liability, LOL...