View Full Version : Revit 7.0 - Dessert

David Conant
2004-10-05, 08:54 PM
Enjoy this last tidbit.

Allen Lacy
2004-10-05, 08:57 PM
Oooooooohhhhhh, aaaaahhhhhhh!!

2004-10-05, 09:00 PM
Very tasty !

2004-10-05, 09:06 PM
Enjoy this last tidbit.
I have room for one "waahfer thin mint"...

8) :) :!: :smile:

2004-10-05, 09:46 PM
An improvement over what we have - prey there's more to it than what meets the eye.

2004-10-05, 10:01 PM
prey there's more to it than what meets the eyealways the optomist...

2004-10-05, 10:07 PM
Bravo! Rock on guys. Can't wait to see more!

2004-10-05, 10:08 PM
always the optomist...
Did you mean Optometrist...or Optimist? :smile:

2004-10-05, 10:25 PM
An improvement over what we have - prey there's more to it than what meets the eye.

Wow...that's ungracious. Do you ever say anything positive?

2004-10-05, 10:29 PM
Four score and seven styles ago...

2004-10-05, 10:32 PM

What is it exactly you want to hear. Thank you for such a wonderful text editor that is as old as Moses. If that makes your day so be it.

2004-10-05, 10:39 PM
Hi All

sorry to get away from txt but any teasers on rendering improvements ?

2004-10-05, 10:39 PM
It appears to be a vast improvement over what we had. It is better than Autocad had up until a couple of years ago (I still personally hate the autocad text editor...preferred 2000 to 2005). It is better than what I have seen in Archicad recently. I appreciate David taking the time to post these images and share with us the upcoming new features that many of us have been waiting for. I also appreciate his taking our wishes seriously. This one was definitely on most peoples top ten lists.

2004-10-05, 10:51 PM

What is it exactly you want to hear. Thank you for such a wonderful text editor that is as old as Moses. If that makes you day so be it.

Remember - usually the dessert is the bonus, kind of a non-essential essential to a good meal. The entree is usually what the meal is all about...Barathd - you're entitled to your opinion, perhaps just more graciously?

At least I didn't have to program the text editor. I can focus on making a living rather than programing in lisp, vba etc.....

Factory - Thanks - not everything excites all of us, or meets every need for every person - I guess someday Revit might be all things to all people. As long as I don't have to re-learn after the update, and can even enhance my productivity (from the GREAT menu you have offered up, especially looking good on the site offerings) Then I am very, very excited about what has been suggested. Now for the grand finale.....????? (other than the October delivery date?)

2004-10-05, 11:00 PM

I have attached an image of the text editor in ADT 2005 - if you dislike this so much I'm sure you will be happy with Revit's offering. Skisouth - trust me - there was no vba, lisp, ... programming involved to enter this text.


2004-10-05, 11:20 PM
Did you mean Optometrist...or Optimist? :smile:
argh, I need to learn to use the spell checker... Optimist

2004-10-05, 11:34 PM
argh, I need to learn to use the spell checker... OptimistSteve,
Haha...I wasn't sure if you weren't trying for a pun referencing the "meets the eye" comment...that possibility made me chuckle because it's the kind of thing Yogi Berra would have attributed to him.

Greg and Dick...let's not slide into something unnecessary please. Dick's entitled to his view, as we all are. The items in the image are some of the items we've collectively expressed as ideal improvements to the text features and so far I'm very pleased to see these are there...Thanks!

Chad Smith
2004-10-05, 11:34 PM
That's a good start with the text editor, being able to bold and underline will go a long way.
Hopefully we will see some sort of text formating in the next release, or even point release.

2004-10-05, 11:46 PM
Haha...I wasn't sure if you weren't trying for a pun referencing the "meets the eye" comment...that possiblity made me chuckle because it's the kind of thing Yogi Berra would have attributed to him.

unfortunately not that clever this time :) I wish it was intentional!

2004-10-06, 12:40 AM

I have attached an image of the text editor in ADT 2005 - if you dislike this so much I'm sure you will be happy with Revit's offering. Skisouth - trust me - there was no vba, lisp, ... programming involved to enter this text.


Dick, no reason to be patronizing. All of here have some level of Autocad experience, and are familiar with the new text editor.

now back to lurking and deadlines. ;-)

2004-10-06, 12:59 AM
All of here have some level of Autocad experience

Yeah, try since 1983, version 1.3 (bought for all of $300.00 buckaroos)..Version 7 looks like FUN..

2004-10-06, 12:59 AM
I so enjoy these love-ins. Now, to the hammers & tong, boys. But, in regards to the improved text editor, I look at it like compounding money (for me, it's only theory). A little bit each cycle and before you know it, you've lept beyond your expectations. So far, Revit's made good on that! I'm very pleased, and grateful for a great product put out by a great bunch of people.

2004-10-06, 02:30 PM
WooHoo.... I guess that I can go and edit my wishlist post re: text improvements. Which gets me back to a subject that has been touched upon before, verifying which wishes have been granted. I would like to suggest that the originators of each wishlist post check the new release for that item and then let the rest of know if it has been granted. What do you folks think of that? (Perhaps this should be made into a wishlist poll item. Moderators, what's your take on this?)

J. Grouchy
2004-10-06, 02:55 PM
I'm still hoping that we will be able to align text and that the graphic display of large text areas is stable when zooming in and out....and that we can tab, use bullets, etcetera etcetera etceteraaaa....

...and no....I've never gone past ACAD 2000i and ADT3...so no, I'm not familiar with the most recent changes to the text formatting in AutoCAD/ADT. Did I miss much???

2004-10-06, 03:02 PM
2004 finally supported full Word formating - bullets and all could be pasted in.
2005 has Excel table importing and exporting.

2004-10-06, 03:22 PM
WooHoo.... I guess that I can go and edit my wishlist post re: text improvements. Which gets me back to a subject that has been touched upon before, verifying which wishes have been granted. I would like to suggest that the originators of each wishlist post check the new release for that item and then let the rest of know if it has been granted. What do you folks think of that? (Perhaps this should be made into a wishlist poll item. Moderators, what's your take on this?)

I totally agree, but we need to actually have the wishes granted first...once 7.0 is released I will do my best to update the wishlist to account for granted wishes. I will also be posting a Wishlist FAQ detailing the guidelines for posting wishes...sometime after the 7.0 release.


2004-10-06, 05:43 PM
...I will do my best to update the wishlist to account for granted wishes.

I know that you have volunteered to do so but I also recognize the fact that it is not a small task. I thought that we could all help share the burden by checking our own posts. Then we could edit the initial post to say "Granted in 7.0." or "Still not addressed in 7.0" or "Partially granted in 7.0 with the following issues still unresolved: ..." This would also make it easier for you to compile a "wishes granted" table much more quickly.

This will also help people who find a wishlist item using a search. They will have immediate feedback in the initial post telling them the status of the wish without having to consult a master "wishes granted" list.

I think that most of the rank and file members of this forum appreciate the work of the moderators and would be happy to help out in some fashion such as this.

2004-10-06, 06:05 PM
...I thought that we could all help share the burden by checking our own posts. Then we could edit the initial post to say "Granted in 7.0." or "Still not addressed in 7.0" or "Partially granted in 7.0 with the following issues still unresolved: ..." This would also make it easier for you to compile a "wishes granted" table much more quickly.

I think that most of the rank and file members of this forum appreciate the work of the moderators and would be happy to help out in some fashion such as this.
This would be very welcome!

2004-10-06, 06:39 PM
Yes it would!

Exar Kun
2004-10-07, 01:46 AM
I don't really have a problem with the text as it stands. It's nice to see an update to allow more formatting but what I'd really like is a decent stand alone leader tool! Null leaders are only a dodgy fix - I just can't get the control I want with them.

Chad Smith
2004-10-07, 01:51 AM
... but what I'd really like is a decent stand alone leader tool! Null leaders are only a dodgy fix
Absolutely. There are many situations when I need to show a fall/pitch of an object or a direction on product flow diagrams.

I would like to be able to pick the start of a leader and then the end. Done.

2004-10-07, 12:51 PM
Chad, I've found this method to be the most flexible:

I made a text type called Arial 1/256" Transparent. The arrow head is typical in size to my other text, but the text is 1/256" in size with transparent background. The only text I type in is a "period." Since it's 1/256" scale, it doesn't show up.

Geof Narlee.

2004-10-07, 01:10 PM

There's a thread today called "Default Text in Labels" that may also offer a "blank text" placeholder in lieu of my 1/256" period. It looks a little complicated though and upon cursory effort, I couldn't make it work. Beegee seems to have a handle on it. True, it's another workaround. Guess for now I'll stick to my miniature period+arrow for my "free" arrows.

Geof Narlee.

2004-10-07, 02:40 PM
try this, just create a generic annotation family with nothing in it. when you load it,you can add as many leaders as you want and you can create diff. types one with a dot, one with an arrow.
just place this with the symbol command, in the options bar select the number of leaders you want. Then once inserted, pick on it and click properties and set the type of arrowhead you want.

2004-10-07, 07:36 PM

That is most excellent. Thanks.

Chad Smith
2004-10-07, 08:35 PM
try this, just create a generic annotation family with nothing in it.
That's the way I currently do it. I know it's only a work around, but having to move it every time after insertion becomes irritating.

2004-10-07, 09:42 PM
I've been very impressed with some of the improvements that I've seen in the previews. I'm very excited to see the final product.

One improvement that I'm really hoping for in 7 is the ability to link documents to Revit files. This is a function that is long overdue.

Maybe if I ask nicely. Please, please, pretty please.