View Full Version : Storefont Door Level Association

2008-11-21, 12:10 AM
I have noticed that within the Storefront Door Element Properties there is no mention of "Level" however when it is scheduled it has a level associated to it. This is a problem because we have storefront that is at the grade level, but we would like the doors in it to schedule with the rest of the first level which is 12" higher.

I have noticed that the storefront doors starts out associated to the level onto which the curtain wall was created. But once created even if I change the Level of the curtain wall it is placed in, the door keeps level associativity to its original level when placed in a schedule. I have tried changing the door back to a glazed panel and adding in some grids and mullions and then erasing those and replacing the door, but it keeps all the same properties (even Mark Number which I found odd). Since I have a bunch of storefront I would rather not have to erase and redraw all the curtain walls just so the doors schedule correctly.