View Full Version : ACAD Map 2000i Setvar + Dialog box issue!!!

2004-10-05, 09:03 PM
Issue #1 - I recently lost the dialog box for the Map Features. When the command is invoked from the pull-down menu, no dialog box appears, all functions are on the command line. Does any one know the system variable to reset the Map features dialog box.

Issue #2 - I tried to identify the system variable using setvar but Cad crashes when I attempt to view all variables using the ?. Anyone got any ideas why this is happening????

All ideas are helpful :)

2004-10-05, 09:05 PM
Re-set your CMDDIA to 1 (on)
then the dialog box version will
appear not the command line one.

As to listing the variables attempt
this method and see if it works for
you instead:


2004-10-06, 01:07 PM
Micheal, thanks for the input, I must have had a brain fart with the CMDDIA variable.

As for the setvar issue cad gives me a fatal error when I try to view the entire list of variables. I use the SETVAR command, Enter, ?, * to see entire list, then the Fatal Error window appears, I hit OK and cad just quits with no option to save drawing. Strange thing about this is that the same thing is happening a another CAD station.

Any more thoughts??

Thanks Again,
Kevin C.

2004-10-06, 01:17 PM

Maybe try the following post, offers a couple of alternative methods on how to generate a list of system variables -

RE: Selection Set Variable for Filter command (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=36826#post36826)

Have a good one, Mike

2004-10-06, 01:40 PM
Mike, thank for the reference post. I tried the ACADINFO lisp routine, it starts to compile info, gets to the System Variable Settings and stops with an access violation. This is the message in the the text window:

Examining your AutoCAD setup. Please wait...
Performing load tests...
AutoCAD Express Tools Copyright © 2000 Autodesk, Inc.

Writing AutoCAD system variable information...; error: Exception occurred:
0xC0000005 (Access Violation)
; error: Exception occurred: 0xC0000005 (Access Violation)

The output file does not complete past this point:

---------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ---------------------

User Name: "Kevin Cochran"
Computer Name: "name"
Platform: "Microsoft Windows NT Version 5.0 (x86)"

------------------ EXPRESS TOOLS INFORMATION -------------------

ACAD2000DOC.LSP Express Tools load: "(LOAD "ACETTEST.FAS" (PRINC))"
C:\Program Files\AutoCAD Map 2000i\support\acad2000doc.lsp
ACETUTIL.ARX FOUND AT: "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD Map 2000i\EXPRESS\acetutil.arx"
ACETTEST.FAS FOUND AT: "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD Map 2000i\support\acettest.fas"
ACETUTIL.FAS FOUND AT: "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD Map 2000i\EXPRESS\acetutil.fas"
ACETAUTO.LSP FOUND AT: "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD Map 2000i\EXPRESS\acetauto.lsp"
ACETMAIN.MNL FOUND AT: "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD Map 2000i\EXPRESS\acetmain.mnl"

(menugroup "EXPRESS") = "EXPRESS"

------------------- FILE LOADING INFORMATION -------------------

ACAD2000.LSP FOUND AT: "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD Map 2000i\support\acad2000.lsp"
ACAD2000DOC.LSP FOUND AT: "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD Map 2000i\support\acad2000doc.lsp"

Tests for successful load of LISP initialization files.
Load test passed. File: acad2000.lsp
Load test passed. File: acad2000doc.lsp
Load test passed. File: acettest.fas
Load test passed. File: acetutil.fas
Load test passed. File: acetmain.mnl

(arx) -> ("acadapp.arx" "acadmap.arx" "acdblclkedit.arx" "acdblclkeditpe.arx" "acdim.arx" "aceplotx.arx" "acetdcp.arx" "acetfpth.arx" "acetlodr.arx" "acetutil.arx" "achapi15.dbx" "achlnkui.arx" "acismobj15.dbx" "acismui.arx" "acmapcoordsys.arx" "acmapworkspace.arx" "acpltstamp.arx" "actoday.arx" "ade.arx" "appload.arx" "ase.arx" "bbsipushbuttonpdf.arx" "edittime.arx" "fscreen.arx" "ird.arx" "movebak.arx" "oleaprot.arx" "vl.arx")

------------------------- TYPELIB TEST -------------------------

'Acad.tlb' file located.

------------------- SYSTEM VARIABLE SETTINGS -------------------

That's as far as it gets.

Any more options/ideas??

2004-10-06, 01:44 PM

Have you tried the other option offered?

Does the ""Access Violation" occur in all drawing files or just the odd one or two?

Have a good one, Mike

2004-10-06, 01:51 PM
Mike, yes I tried the other option, did a comparison on two drawings but nothing crucial is different between them.

Access Violation is an all drawings.

2004-10-06, 01:59 PM
Issue #2 - I tried to identify the system variable using setvar but Cad crashes when I attempt to view all variables using the ?. Anyone got any ideas why this is happening????


CMDDIA is a system variable that gets set in the Registry, therefore it's value will appear the same in all drawing files.

Why does it get set to 0 (Zero), probably a rogue AutoLISP routine (badly written) that sets it to 0 (Zero) at run time but when finished doesn't return it to it's original value.

Regarding "Access Violation" - Are your Autodesk Product(s) and Operating System up to date ie Service Packs / Updates etc applied?

Have a good one, Mike

2004-10-06, 02:18 PM
Mike, running WIN2K build 2195.
Acad 2000i with service pack 2.

2004-10-06, 02:29 PM
Mike, running WIN2K build 2195.
Acad 2000i with service pack 2.

As far as I'm aware that's Service Pack 2 for Windows 2000.

Windows 2000 is up to Service Pack 4 -

Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/servicepacks/sp4/default.asp)

Microsoft Windows Update Page (http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/)

Sorry I'm a little confused here (not that difficult) -

Are you using AutoCAD 2000i or Map 2000i ?

Have a good one, Mike

2004-10-06, 03:10 PM
Mike, I'm using Map 2000i.

2004-10-06, 03:30 PM


Have you tried the Windows 2000 Service Packs / Updates ?

Please note there is no guarantee that by simply installing the above the "Access Violation" issue / problem will disappear....

Have a good one, Mike

2004-10-07, 12:56 PM
This little nugget might serve to solve the issue.