View Full Version : What is going on with these walls?

2008-11-21, 02:26 PM
I have a project currently under construction. CD's were issued several months ago, but I have been in and out of the project many times to make revisions, add details, etc.

Now today I noticed that a few walls look odd in plan view. They appear as a projection view, as from above, even though they have the exact same properties as adjacent walls that look fine (cut correctly). The windows in these walls can't even be seen. I copied a string of walls to a new file, and the problem remained, so could someone have a look at it please?

The 2 walls indicated by the arrows should look the same as the wall at the bottom between them. As you can see the windows are not visible through the left wall as they are in the lower wall.

2008-11-21, 02:39 PM
I am not sure what the issue was with the model, but I was able to add walls back to the plan, and replace the old ones just fine, and they came in fine. if you set the detail level to coarse, all the walls showed up ok, it was just on the medium and fine detail level that was the problem.

2008-11-21, 02:45 PM
I dunno... I tried cutting the wall out and then pasting same place, and the wall that came in would cut fine in plan, but then the wall joins got all messed up. Miter was the only option (which is how I had it), but it did not look like a normal miter join.

And yes I need this plan to be Medium detail level, as the plan is at 1/4" scale.

I also don't understand why the windows would show correctly at Coarse, but not show correctly at Medium or Fine in those particular offending walls.

Andre Carvalho
2008-11-21, 03:03 PM

The problem is with your wall sweep. Actually, the profile itself. The origin of your profile is set at the corner and therefore it is coinciding with the edge of the mitering walls. If you delete your corner wall sweeps, you will notice that the problem goes away.

To fix it, just make sure your wall sweep origin is not coinciding with the edge and is flipped, thus being hosted entirely by the wall...

Andre Carvalho

2008-11-21, 03:12 PM
Okay so the question is, why did it work fine when I first printed the CD set several months ago? The walls were mitered and the sweeps were there at that time, as well.

Andre Carvalho
2008-11-21, 03:16 PM
...several months ago...

Were you using Revit 2008 or 2009 at the time? I mean, did you have to upgrade the file since then?

Andre Carvalho

2008-11-21, 03:18 PM
Can't remember, I was using both at the time.

I just deleted the 2 corner sweeps at the upper end of that long wall with the windows in it, and then the wall looked fine. I put the sweeps back in, made sure the grips were back on the wall and not at the very corner, moved the sweeps back together and BOOM problem came back!

I tried again, this time moving the sweeps away from the corner, setting the sweeps to NOT cut wall, then moving them back together. It was fine until I joined geometry between the sweeps and the wall, and the problem came back again.

2008-11-21, 03:41 PM
well then it looks like there is your issue. place the sweeps but dont join geometry and you should not have that issue with the wall cleanup's or the visibility issue.

Andre Carvalho
2008-11-21, 03:55 PM
Then change your profile origin by editing it. Maybe set the origin at the center of one of the profile edges.

Andre Carvalho

2008-11-21, 03:57 PM
It's a bug. I was able to re-create it in a blank file. I must have printed CD's on the project in v.2008.

*edit it only happens when I put a negative offset on the sweeps and it cuts the wall. I did that because that's how it would be built - the vertical trim would go on the sheathing, and then the siding would go on the sheathing and stop at the vertical trim.

Andre Carvalho
2008-11-21, 04:53 PM
it only happens when I put a negative offset on the sweeps and it cuts the wall.

Yes. Because your walls are set to miter they form a sharp angle when the two walls meet. If you use the wall sweep hosted exactly on the wall's edge and apply a negative offset, the sweep origin (that has to be inside the host) is moved to the outside of the host (remember, the sharp angle formed by the walls leave a corner that doesn't allow any negative offset without having the profile origin outside the host...). If you have your profile a little away from the wall's edge (not an offset, but following the wall's direction), the the space between the face of the wall and the angle formed by the miter condition is a little larger and then it might work. Or, as I said, try editing the profile and move it so that the center of the edge is the origin. That center would be away from that sharp condition.

Andre Carvalho

Andre Carvalho
2008-11-21, 05:01 PM
This is what I'm talking about. See attached:

Andre Carvalho

2008-12-05, 05:28 PM
we are having a very similar problem where we have a square column which is a box of four walls and it looks as it should on levels 2 and 3 but level 1 is showing it as if it's a projection. we've tried looking at everything. we need it to stay in medium mode and we are really getting to a critical moment where it needs to be fixed. we keep thinking it's something simple but obscure that's causing two views with the EXACT same properties to look different.

2008-12-05, 06:55 PM
Andre is right on. If you look closely you see that the small piece of rectangular trim cuts the mitered wall in a way that it leaves a tiny triangular sliver which causes the problem for the proper medium/fine detail views.If you shift the profile just a tiny bit, it will be ok.

I doubt this is how a corner trim is constructed though, so I changed the trim wall sweep to have a corner profile and since it only cuts one of the walls, I joined it to the other by using Tools->Join Geometry. See the attached model.
