View Full Version : Mirroring project produces temp levels

2004-10-06, 03:09 AM
I need to mirror a house that has been produced through CD's. I've read the posts on mirroring projects and all seems to go fairly well except... Every level (and there are quite a few) is duplicated as a temp. level after the mirror. I've closed the project and reopened it - no luck. Also saved as, purged, and reopened, still no luck.

Aaarrrghh! Any help?

2004-10-06, 03:18 AM
Send it off to support ASAP.

2004-10-06, 03:28 AM

Thanks for the quick response. I've never sent anything to support. Can you tell me how to do that?

Also, I just walked through Chad Smith's workaround (in Tips & Tricks) and all temp levels were deleted quite successfully, along with 90% of the project geometry. It will be a substantial amount of work to go through all the objects and set their levels properly.

Will the temp levels print? I'm brainstorming how to present to the client tomorrow. Conceivably, if the temp levels don't print, I can limp through. I'm away from the office (and thus the printer) right now.

2004-10-06, 03:46 AM
I found the revitsupport@autodesk.com by searching some other posts. I've sent the file to them.

2004-10-06, 03:47 AM
I'm not sure if they print, hopefully not. I have never been unfortunate enough to encounter the temp level issue. From what I remember it's really something that only Revit support can fix, i know that doesn't help you now. sorry :(

here is the link to the support portal


Mr Spot
2004-10-06, 04:02 AM
Chad Smith posted this on how to delete temp levels:


2004-10-06, 04:11 AM

Gracias! Its rather late there. Taking care of junior Z?

2004-10-07, 06:07 PM
Here is the reply I got from Revit support...

After reviewing your project I have identified your problems. First of all, the Temp Levels are a known issue. Whenever a level hosted object (like a wall) is copied to the clipboard, a Temp Level is created on the clipboard to host it. In some cases this Temp Level gets pasted into the project. In most cases this is pretty benign, unfortunately in your case it is not. The hosted objects is your project are still being hosted by the Temp Levels, so deleting these levels deletes a lot of elements that you don't want deleted. The only way to resolve this issue is to select all the objects and reassign them to non-Temp Levels prior to deleting the Temp Levels. This workaround is obviously pretty involved. As an alternate solution you may consider linking this project into another project file and mirroring it th! ere.

I have tested this behavior in the pending release of Revit 7.0 and find that it works as you would hope. That is new elements appear without the Temp Levels.

On another note, while revitsupport@autodesk.com is still monitored, it is heading towards obsolescence. The preferred method to obtain support is through the Subscription Center.