View Full Version : Copy / Monitor between Arch. and Structural

2008-11-24, 09:19 PM
Hi all...

I know several people have asked questions about coordinating Revit Arch. and Revit Structural. I've searched through the forums and found some good info.

This is a great link:

These forum threads are also helpful:

So from reading these threads, I understand how an Architecture model gets passed to a Structural Engineer. I understand how changes to the Architect's model trickle down to the Structural model.

Here's what I don't understand... How do changes in the Structural model, push back to the Architect's model? Or more simply, does Copy / Monitor work in both directions?

Step 1... Arch sends model to Structural.

Step 2... Structural copy monitors grids and levels. Structural probably creates own columns and slabs, and etc.

? Step 3... Structural sends their model to Architect?

? Step 4... Arch. links in the Struct. Model?

? Step 5... Arch does copy / monitor again, on the columns?... But then do I have to delete my original columns?

Thanks in advance for your input.


2008-11-24, 09:30 PM
Your workflow will depend on what youre using their model for. If youre building "design intent" columns in your model, and that is what youre responsible for in your contract, then you might not CM their columns back in to your model. IF you need to show them in your model, you can just link it in and keep their model linked in, and visible.

Typically ive done the following:

1. Make grids / Levels / shell of design building.
2. Send to Struct, they CM grids/levels/walls they need.
3. Get struct model that has real columns (sized), etc.
4. Use view templates / Visibility settings to control what i want to see of theirs, versus what i want to see of mine.

2008-11-24, 09:55 PM
Thanks for the reply...

How about this example... Arch created the Column Grid. Structural copy / monitors it into their model. Structural sees a need to move Column Grid A, 24" to the West.

How does that change push back to the Architectural Model?


Scott Womack
2008-11-24, 10:06 PM
Thanks for the reply...

How about this example... Arch created the Column Grid. Structural copy / monitors it into their model. Structural sees a need to move Column Grid A, 24" to the West.

How does that change push back to the Architectural Model?

Once the Architect receives the structural model back, he then sets up monitoring of the structural models' grids, levels, and possibly floors. Then any changes from the structural model will cause the Coordination Monitor to alert you that there are issues between the two models.

2008-11-24, 11:46 PM
Ok... I can copy / monitor my structural engineer's columns no problem. For structural walls, (elevator shear walls) I want to use his...

I've deleted my elevator walls. I tried to copy / monitor his elevator walls... Revit creates a new wall in my model, but retains the other wall in the linked file. Anyone run into this before?



Scott Womack
2008-11-25, 11:16 AM
Ok... I can copy / monitor my structural engineer's columns no problem. For structural walls, (elevator shear walls) I want to use his...

I've deleted my elevator walls. I tried to copy / monitor his elevator walls... Revit creates a new wall in my model, but retains the other wall in the linked file. Anyone run into this before?

That is the way copy/monitor works. It creates a copy of something in your file from a linked file. If you want to use his walls, you can delete yours entirely and use them , or copy monitor the elevator walls, and you'll have to turn his off in sections. You probably need at lease the from wall of the elevator shaft to host elevator openings so you can control those.

2008-11-25, 03:39 PM
Ahh yes... That makes tons of sense. So after I copy / monitor his walls... I then have to turn off the structural wall category.

Thanks for your help.

2008-11-25, 09:50 PM
The Structural Engineer has created some of his sloping columns as in-place families. For some reason, I am unable to copy / monitor these elements.

Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Thanks in advance,


Scott Womack
2008-11-25, 10:06 PM
The Structural Engineer has created some of his sloping columns as in-place families. For some reason, I am unable to copy / monitor these elements.


Unfortunately, when the help system says there are only certain categories of elements you can copy/monitor, it is being extremely literal, meaning the basic items in those categories, not in-place versions which are "special" versions of the object.