View Full Version : Project Info

2004-10-06, 09:30 AM
Hello there,

Does anybody know if it is possible to add parameters to the project information (settings menu) in order to pass info directly to the titleblock labels?


2004-10-06, 10:35 AM

I think has been discussed elsewhere in the forum but I couldn't find it in a quick search. You might want to try again with varying searchg terms.

In brief, though, you can add shared parameters to pretty much anything other than the project as a whole, so for many people the trick has been to add a shared parameter to sheets which can then accept a constant value for that project - say consulting engineer or Local Authority approvals contact name and number...To save entering the parameter repeatedly you could produce a drawing sheet list with all sheets in it and uncheck the itemise every instance box in the schedule properties dialog and that should give you one line in which you would change the shared parameter once.

Remember to set up the sheet template so it also references the shared parameter much as you would any family, then you should be able to add the parameter as a label.

If that doesn't work come back to me as I may be a little hazy on the mechanics.

2004-10-07, 03:58 PM
Thanks Pete,
I was hoping there was some direct way of adding items (and I was missing it!). I see what your getting at and will give it a go. I hear there may be some drawing revision type stuff in ver 7 , if not perhaps I should add it to the wishlist.

Thanks again.
